"Jonathan Israel's 1,231-page blockbuster forms the inaugural volume of a new series, the Oxford History of Early Modern Europe, and offers a comprehensive, integrated account of the northern part of the Netherlands over almost 350 years...The Dutch Republic represents the fruit of 12 years of research, contemplation and writing, and brims over with interesting detail."--The New York Times Book Review "Israel performs the great service of charting a path through this literature and presents a coherent and comprehensive picture of the Dutch Republic.... Comprehensive in scope and yet so...
"Jonathan Israel's 1,231-page blockbuster forms the inaugural volume of a new series, the Oxford History of Early Modern Europe, and offers a comprehe...
The Dutch Republic, despite its small size and population, functioned as the hub of world trade, shipping, and finance for over a century following the fall of Antwerp in 1585. This is the first general account of Dutch world-trade hegemony in all its aspects from its origins as a depot for "bulk-carrying" in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to its collapse in the eighteenth century.
The Dutch Republic, despite its small size and population, functioned as the hub of world trade, shipping, and finance for over a century following th...
Much new research and writing on the Glorious Revolution of 1688 91 in England, Scotland, Ireland and North America, and on the Dutch role in the Revolution, has materialized in the last few years in connection with the tercentenary celebrations of 1988 and 1989 and the various accompanying conferences, symposia, and exhibitions in Britain, the Netherlands and the United States. There has also been a spate of associated publications. This is, however, the first large-scale work to emerge from the tercentenary commemoration, and the first to attempt to bring together the main strands of the...
Much new research and writing on the Glorious Revolution of 1688 91 in England, Scotland, Ireland and North America, and on the Dutch role in the Revo...
A concise, practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of liver disease. Authoritative and practical, this important new book not only spells out the advantages and limitations of the latest diagnostic tests, but also provides numerous algorithms for evaluating patients and treating the liver problems commonly encountered by primary care physicians. Here, too, the reader will find described the nuances of serological tests for the detection of viral infections and how best to use invasive and noninvasive radiological tests in specific circumstances. Common complications are fully discussed...
A concise, practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of liver disease. Authoritative and practical, this important new book not only spells out t...
The confrontation between Spain and the Dutch Republic was a key factor in European and world history. In this collection, Jonathan Israel explores the various aspects of this many-sided struggle, at the level of government policy, military strategy and diplomacy; and in respect of the differing fortunes of regions, towns and groups, and the Sephardic Jews.
The confrontation between Spain and the Dutch Republic was a key factor in European and world history. In this collection, Jonathan Israel explores...
This volume, consisting of seventeen studies by leading experts in the field, takes stock of recent work on the history and literary culture of the Jews in the Netherlands and Antwerp from before the revolt until the present. Important new discoveries are included here for the first time.
This volume, consisting of seventeen studies by leading experts in the field, takes stock of recent work on the history and literary culture of the Je...
This volume is concerned with the religious, social and commercial 'networking' methods extending over a large part of the world, ranging from the Near East to South America, used by the western Sephardic Jewish diaspora - and the linked 'New Christian' diaspora (in lands where the Inquisition prevailed)- from the mid sixteenth to the mid eighteenth century. Particular attention is given to the role of these unique diasporas in the functioning of the six great European world maritime empires of the time - the Venetian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, English and French. New material and argument...
This volume is concerned with the religious, social and commercial 'networking' methods extending over a large part of the world, ranging from the Nea...
Surveys the early modern period of Jewish history, which is seen as a transitional period that is distinct from the Jewish Middle Ages and the post-Enlightenment era. Israel (Dutch History, U. College, London) maintains that Europe's Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities were subject to a common set of
Surveys the early modern period of Jewish history, which is seen as a transitional period that is distinct from the Jewish Middle Ages and the post-En...