Beatrex Quntanna presents our 19th edition of Living by the Light of the Moon
How to navigate your life by the light of the Moon and its cycles, our workbook will show you step-by-step when and what to do to free yourself from whatever holds you back, and when and what to co-create.
The Moon is the great cosmic architect--the builder and the dissolver of form. Full Moons are about dissolving obstacles and outdated patterns so you can become free. New Moons are about co-creating, accepting, and receiving what you want in your life.
This year will advance you...
Beatrex Quntanna presents our 19th edition of Living by the Light of the Moon
How to navigate your life by the light of the Moon an...
Tarot - A Universal Language Embark on this fascinating journey through the unfolding Story of Life as told by the Universal Language of the Tarot. This book contains innovative avenues to understand the Tarot through the author's in-depth knowledge of symbology in an easy-to-read language. Learn how to quickly read and interpret the Tarot by following this simple, informative, and illustrated guide. Use the expanded symbology section to understand each and every symbol depicted on the Minor and Major Arcana cards. This book includes an interpretation of all 78 Tarot cards plus innovative and...
Tarot - A Universal Language Embark on this fascinating journey through the unfolding Story of Life as told by the Universal Language of the Tarot. Th...
Living by the Light of the Moon by Beatrex Quntanna The Year 2014 is guaranteed to be a landmark experience as we learn to awaken to the idea that changing paradigms are a reality and accept the idea that releasing the old guard is a blessing to our world and to our Earth. Water and earth elements will come into play again this year, putting the feminine energy into the front-line of our lives. The Water and Earth elements will provide Mother Earth with the appropriate germination necessary for her healing. This will bring with it a major advancement for inner wisdom, intuitive development,...
Living by the Light of the Moon by Beatrex Quntanna The Year 2014 is guaranteed to be a landmark experience as we learn to awaken to the idea that cha...
Use the Moon Book to follow the Sun and the Moon through the zodiac Following the luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, through the zodiac and noting the cycles of illumination and reflection can bring you to a deeper creative experience of life. The Moon is the great cosmic architect, the builder and dissolver of form and foundation. The Full Moon is about dissolving, and the New Moon is about building. The Moon Book is a workbook that will assist you in knowing what to build and when, and what to dissolve and when. Journey through 2016 with: A monthly calendar with retrogrades, void moons,...
Use the Moon Book to follow the Sun and the Moon through the zodiac Following the luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, through the zodiac and noting the ...