This Ada 95 Reference Manual is essentially identical to the new International Standard ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) for the Ada programming language. The thorough technical revisions and extensions documented in this manual are built on broad participation from the international Ada community and generous support by leading institutions. Over 750 submitted revision requests were evaluated, and the resulting enhancements make Ada 95 an outstanding language. The flexibility of languages such as C++, modern features such as object orientation, and improved interfacing capabilities have been added to...
This Ada 95 Reference Manual is essentially identical to the new International Standard ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) for the Ada programming language. The tho...
The Ada 2005 Reference Manual combines the International Standard ISO/IEC 8652/1995(E) for the programming language Ada with the corrections of the Technical Corrigendum 1 approved by ISO in February 2001 and with the Amendment 1 expected to be approved by ISO in late 2006 or early 2007. Both the Technical Corrigendum 1 and the Amendment 1 list only the changes made to the International Standard.
The Ada 2005 Reference Manual incorporates these changes in the overall standard text and thus will replace the former versions as an indispensable working companion for anybody using Ada...
The Ada 2005 Reference Manual combines the International Standard ISO/IEC 8652/1995(E) for the programming language Ada with the corrections of the...
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical 1 Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in...
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical 1 Commission) form the specialized system for wor...