Transform "lost" time into "found" learning with brief, lively activities, games, and puzzles for 4th-6th graders Choices for all major curriculum areas and building thinking and problem-solving skills.Usable by librarians, classroom teachers, and subject specialists (with librarian-friendly activities highlighted).Choices for individuals, groups, and the whole class - for pencil-and-paper use or for thinking and talking.While papers are being collected, attendance is being taken, waiting for another group to finish, or just before lunch - seize the moment and use one of these quick...
Transform "lost" time into "found" learning with brief, lively activities, games, and puzzles for 4th-6th graders Choices for all major curriculum...
Every moment has the potential to be a "learning moment." Use these quick, imaginative, curriculum-based activities with 4th-6th grade students to get them thinking while having fun at the same time
Every moment has the potential to be a "learning moment." Use these quick, imaginative, curriculum-based activities with 4th-6th grade students to ...
Providing descriptive annotations of the best children's picture books published in the last decade, this comprehensive overview is perfect for librarians, teachers, parents, daycare providers, and anyone who works with young children. It is both an excellent tool for collection development and an abundant resource for planning storytimes and other children's programming. With selections based on proven appeal and quality, Northrup's survey features An introductory essay on the nature of the picture book, and an explanation of the evaluation criteria Bibliographic information on each picture...
Providing descriptive annotations of the best children's picture books published in the last decade, this comprehensive overview is perfect for librar...