This book is based on true events. It was taken from my journal that I kept during my stay at a psych ward during the end of March and begining of April.
This book is based on true events. It was taken from my journal that I kept during my stay at a psych ward during the end of March and begining of Apr...
Until the age of forty, I was living my life in a dream; the same dream in which most of us are living our lives. I was content with my life. I was a wife, a mother and a teacher. My life was like a precious crystal ball that contained all my loved ones, my thoughts and beliefs. Then in 2007, my oldest son died, and my crystal ball was shattered. Nothing made sense anymore. I had to slowly piece that crystal ball back together, and when I did, nothing was the same. I no longer had all my loved ones, and I no longer had the same thoughts and beliefs. There are reasons for my son's death. I...
Until the age of forty, I was living my life in a dream; the same dream in which most of us are living our lives. I was content with my life. I was a ...
THERE seem to be many, in our day, who are seeking God. Yet they appear to be but "feeling after him in order to find him," as if he were either a distant or an "unknown God." They forget that "he is NOT FAR from every one of us," (Acts xvii. 27); for "in him we live, and move, and have our being." To know that He is not far; that he has come down; that he has come nigh; this is the "beginning of the gospel." It gives direct denial to the vain thoughts of those who think that they must bring Him nigh they by their prayers and devout performances. He has shewn himself to us, that we may know...
THERE seem to be many, in our day, who are seeking God. Yet they appear to be but "feeling after him in order to find him," as if he were either a dis...
Although North Carolina long has officially worked for the improvement of conditions among its Negro citizens there still remain depressing situations calling for attention. Some of these conditions are even now in the process of correction and betterment. Through the State's appreciation of its responsibility to all citizens, together with the spirit of interracial cooperation and good will that prevails, much has already been accomplished. Especially noticeable is the current trend and effort toward wiping out the differential in salaries paid Negro and white teachers in the State's...
Although North Carolina long has officially worked for the improvement of conditions among its Negro citizens there still remain depressing situations...
Reminiscences of a Confederate Naval Life, An Original Compilation: Including the Cruises of the Confederate States Steamers "Sumter" and "Alabama" & Photographs from the American Civil War
Reminiscences of a Confederate Naval Life, An Original Compilation: Including the Cruises of the Confederate States Steamers "Sumter" and "Alabama" & ...