T. N. Srinivasan Suresh D., PhD Tendulkar C. Fred Bergsten
After nearly five decades of insulation from world markets, state controls, and slow growth, India embarked in 1991 on a process of liberalization of controls and progressive integration with the global economy in an effort to put its economy on a path of rapid and sustained growth. Despite major changes in the government since then, the thrust on reforms has been maintained. According to the World Bank, only 10 out of 145 countries had more rapid growth than India at over 6 percent per year in the 1990s and two had the same as India's. In this study, T. N. Srinivasan and Suresh D....
After nearly five decades of insulation from world markets, state controls, and slow growth, India embarked in 1991 on a process of liberalization of ...
This collection focuses on the ways in which federalism has affected and been affected by economic reform, especially global integration. The editors and contributors focus in particular on the political economy of institutional and economic change--how the division of authority between national and subnational governments shapes debates over policy changes, as well as how the changing economic environment creates incentives to modify the basic agreements between levels of governments. Each chapter contains a historical overview, and an in-depth account of division of authority, lines of...
This collection focuses on the ways in which federalism has affected and been affected by economic reform, especially global integration. The editors ...
This volume brings together twelve papers by many of the most prominent applied general equilibrium modelers honoring Herbert Scarf. The contributors discuss some traditional as well as more contemporary topics in the field, including non-convexities in economy-wide models, tax policy, developmental modeling and energy modeling. The book also covers a range of new approaches, conceptual issues and computational algorithms. An introductory chapter written by the editors maps out issues and scenarios for the future evolution of applied general equilibrium.
This volume brings together twelve papers by many of the most prominent applied general equilibrium modelers honoring Herbert Scarf. The contributors ...
The greatest strength of this thoroughly revised and expanded edition of Lectures on International Trade is its rigorous algebraic and geometric treatment of the various models and results of trade theory. The authors, who now include Arvind Panagariya, offer both policy insights and empirical applications. They have added nine entirely new chapters as well as new sections to several existing chapters (e.g., a greatly expanded treatment of the growing theory of preferential trade agreements).
The greatest strength of this thoroughly revised and expanded edition of Lectures on International Trade is its rigorous algebraic and geome...
A comprehensive guide to the statistical methods used in economics and quantitative economics. Acknowledged experts cover topics such as: * Semiparametic and non-parametic interference * Time series behaviour of commodity prices * Applications of Edgeworth expansions and quantitative methods in development economics.
A comprehensive guide to the statistical methods used in economics and quantitative economics. Acknowledged experts cover topics such as: * Semiparame...