We live in a vicious, highly competitive workplace environment, and things aren't getting any better. Jobs are few and far between, and people aren't any nicer now than they were when Ghengis Khan ran around in big furs killing people in unfriendly acquisitions. For thousands of years, people have been reading the writings of the deeply wise, but also extremely dead Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, who was perhaps the first to look on the waging of war as a strategic art that could be taught to people who wished to be warlords and other kinds of senior managers.
In a nutshell, Sun Tzu...
We live in a vicious, highly competitive workplace environment, and things aren't getting any better. Jobs are few and far between, and people aren...
The scholarly discipline of Bullshit Studies has blossomed in the last several years, fertilized by a number of critical works on the subject and the growing importance of the issue across a wide range of professions. Now, best-selling author and lifelong practitioner Stanley Bing enters the field with a comprehensive look at the many attractive jobs now available to those who are serious about their bullshit and prepared to dedicate their working life to it.
What, Bing inquires, do a feng shui consultant, new media executive, wine steward, department store greeter, and Vice...
The scholarly discipline of Bullshit Studies has blossomed in the last several years, fertilized by a number of critical works on the subject and t...
Sit down. Breathe deep. This is the last business book you will ever need. For in these pages, Stanley Bing solves the ultimate problem of your working life: How to manage the boss.
The technique is simple . . . as simple as throwing an elephant. All it takes is the proper state of mind, a step-by-step plan, and a great leap of faith. This humble guide provides all these and more. It is Zen that enables one to take an object of enormous weight and size and mold it in one's grasp like a ball of Silly Putty. For senior management, in truth, is the silliest putty of them all.
Sit down. Breathe deep. This is the last business book you will ever need. For in these pages, Stanley Bing solves the ultimate problem of your wor...
Enron? WorldCom? Try Rome, whose rise and fall carry a moral that lingers to this day for the managers, employees, and students of any global enterprise. Stanley Bing--whose satirical business books are as savagely funny as they are insightful--mingles business parable and cautionary tale into an ingenious, often hilarious new telling of the story of the Roman Empire.
Enron? WorldCom? Try Rome, whose rise and fall carry a moral that lingers to this day for the managers, employees, and students of any global enterpri...
"Nobody pricks corporate balloons better than Stanley Bing." --New York Post The ultimate satirist of corporate America, bestselling author Stanley Bing (Sun Tzu Was a Sissy, Crazy Bosses) now offers an outrageous "Survival Guide to the New Workplace" with How to Relax Without Getting the Axe--an eminently useful handbook that shows you how to retire on the job while still taking up (window) office space and drawing a huge salary. Succeeding in business without really trying is easy the Bing way. How to Relax Without Getting the Axe shows you...
"Nobody pricks corporate balloons better than Stanley Bing." --New York Post The ultimate satirist of corporate America, ...
From this classic tome, learn everything you need to know to land the corner office:
- How to make money
- How to make more money
- How to choose the right company (one big enough so that nobody knows exactly what anyone else is doing)
- How to cultivate the appearance of extreme busyness through strategic desk management
- How to delegate responsibility (have plenty of assistants )
First published in 1952, this guide inspired the beloved Pulitzer Prize-winning musical, which returns to Broadway in 2011 in a production that stars Daniel Radcliffe and John Larroquette....
From this classic tome, learn everything you need to know to land the corner office:
Roma Imparatorlugu'nun uzun tarihini dev bir cokuluslu sirketin tarihi gibi okuyabilir miyiz? Stanley Bing Roma AS'de bunu yapiyor. Dunya tarihinin gelmis gecmis en buyuk ve en uzun omurlu imparatorlugunun yukselis ve cokus hikayesini modern zamanlarda yukselen ve cokuse gecen dev bir sirketin hikayesiymis gibi anlatiyor: Imparatorlarin CEO, diger devletlerin rakip sirket, saraylarin da holding binasi rolunu oynadigi heyecanli ve mizahi bir hikaye. "Buyuk samata... Antik cagda macerali bir yolculuk." -Financial Times "Keskin gozlemlerle dolu... Cok komik... Bing'in Roma'nin cokusunu anlattigi...
Roma Imparatorlugu'nun uzun tarihini dev bir cokuluslu sirketin tarihi gibi okuyabilir miyiz? Stanley Bing Roma AS'de bunu yapiyor. Dunya tarihinin ge...