Whereas most psychology books discuss current or future trends, this one focuses on the past. It consists of a collection of important and historically significant writings by a select group of men and women who, over the past 50 years, were honored by their colleagues for their distinguished contributions to the field of personality assessment. Published from 1939 through 1989, most of the papers were SPA Presidential addresses or presentations by the recipients of the Society's Distinguished Contributions Award. Taken as a whole, they provide a unique perspective on the evolution of...
Whereas most psychology books discuss current or future trends, this one focuses on the past. It consists of a collection of important and historicall...
The MMPI-2 is the most widely used and thoroughly researched personality assessment instrument in criminal justice and correctional settings. Based on empirical research with prisoners and other offenders, this is the first work that directly instructs correctional psychologists in the unique applications and interpretations of the MMPI-2 in these settings.A leading expert on the MMPI instruments, Edwin I. Megargee addresses how administration, scoring, and evaluation of the MMPI-2 differs in correctional settings. He describes the issues that psychologists must take into account, including...
The MMPI-2 is the most widely used and thoroughly researched personality assessment instrument in criminal justice and correctional settings. Based on...
Gives students essential information about the intership selection process, including updated material on the computer selection process that was implemented by the Association of Psychology Postdocotral and Internship Centers (APPIC).
Gives students essential information about the intership selection process, including updated material on the computer selection process that was impl...
Whereas most psychology books discuss current or future trends, this one focuses on the past. It consists of a collection of important and historically significant writings by a select group of men and women who, over the past 50 years, were honored by their colleagues for their distinguished contributions to the field of personality assessment. Published from 1939 through 1989, most of the papers were SPA Presidential addresses or presentations by the recipients of the Society's Distinguished Contributions Award. Taken as a whole, they provide a unique perspective on the evolution of...
Whereas most psychology books discuss current or future trends, this one focuses on the past. It consists of a collection of important and historicall...