With wit and intelligence, Leo Katz seeks to understand the basic rules and concepts underlying the moral, linguistic, and psychological puzzles that plague the criminal law. "Bad Acts and Guilty Minds . . . revives the mind, it challenges superficial analyses, it reminds us that underlying the vast body of statutory and case law, there is a rationale founded in basic notions of fairness and reason. . . . It will help lawyers to better serve their clients and the society that permits attorneys to hang out their shingles." Edward N. Costikyan, New York Times Book Review "
With wit and intelligence, Leo Katz seeks to understand the basic rules and concepts underlying the moral, linguistic, and psychological puzzles that ...
In "Ill-Gotten Gains," Leo Katz describes the underlying principles that not only guide the law but also moral decisions. Mixing wit with insight, anecdotes with analysis, Katz uncovers what is really at stake in crimes such as insider trading, blackmail, and plagiarism. With its startling conclusions and myriad twists, this book will fascinate all those intrigued by the perplexing relationship between morality and law. "An ambitious and well-written book of legal and moral theory to overthrow both utilitarianism and its cousin, the economic approach to law." Richard A. Posner, "New...
In "Ill-Gotten Gains," Leo Katz describes the underlying principles that not only guide the law but also moral decisions. Mixing wit with insight, ane...
In "Ill-Gotten Gains," Leo Katz describes the underlying principles that not only guide the law but also moral decisions. Mixing wit with insight, anecdotes with analysis, Katz uncovers what is really at stake in crimes such as insider trading, blackmail, and plagiarism. With its startling conclusions and myriad twists, this book will fascinate all those intrigued by the perplexing relationship between morality and law. "An ambitious and well-written book of legal and moral theory to overthrow both utilitarianism and its cousin, the economic approach to law." Richard A. Posner, "New...
In "Ill-Gotten Gains," Leo Katz describes the underlying principles that not only guide the law but also moral decisions. Mixing wit with insight, ane...
Conundrums, puzzles, and perversities: these are Leo Katz's stock-in-trade, and in Why the Law Is So Perverse, he focuses on four fundamental features of our legal system, all of which seem to not make sense on some level and to demand explanation. First, legal decisions are essentially made in an either/or fashion--guilty or not guilty, liable or not liable, either it's a contract or it's not--but reality is rarely as clear-cut. Why aren't there any in-between verdicts? Second, the law is full of loopholes. No one seems to like them, but somehow they cannot be made to disappear....
Conundrums, puzzles, and perversities: these are Leo Katz's stock-in-trade, and in Why the Law Is So Perverse, he focuses on four fundamenta...