Studying a degree course in psychology, even if you've taken the subject before university, requires a whole range of new skills and knowledge. And the 4th edition of this best-selling guide is an invaluable companion. It can not only help you to get a good final degree, but will also support you in making informed choices towards either a career or further study.
Updated to include the latest developments in the field, the new edition provides practical and helpful guidance on everything a psychology student encounters throughout their degree, including:
Studying a degree course in psychology, even if you've taken the subject before university, requires a whole range of new skills and knowledge. And...
Studying a degree course in psychology, even if you ve taken the subject before university, requires a whole range of new skills and knowledge. And the 4th edition of this best-selling guide is an invaluable companion. It can not only help you to get a good final degree, but will also support you in making informed choices towards either a career or further study.
Updated to include the latest developments in the field, the new edition provides practical and helpful guidance on everything a psychology student encounters throughout their degree, including:
Studying a degree course in psychology, even if you ve taken the subject before university, requires a whole range of new skills and knowledge. And...
This is a collection of 75 progressive sonnet vignettes, American monologues, voices of people about their work. In a prefatory comment Heffernan borrows Anthony Trollope's description-"real portraits, not of individuals known to the world or to the author, but of created personages impregnated with traits of character which are known"-as also a description of manner and method here, in Working Voices.
This is a collection of 75 progressive sonnet vignettes, American monologues, voices of people about their work. In a prefatory comment Heffernan borr...