From a slave birth to international fame, Carver advised presidents, Congress, and world leaders. Discover the faith that motivated this great African-American scientist to create hundreds of uses for simple crops that revolutionized the economy of the South.
From a slave birth to international fame, Carver advised presidents, Congress, and world leaders. Discover the faith that motivated this great African...
Saint Nicholas - Sinter Klaas - Santa ClausRead the story of Nicholas, 3rd Century Bishop of Myra, Asia Minor (present day Turkey) and how over time stories of his holy, generous life were embelished into legend. Discover additions of writer Washington Irving, minister Clement Moore, Civil War illustrator Thomas Nast, Coca-Cola artist Haddom Sundblom.Explore fascinating origins of the 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Tree, Carols, Kris Kringle, Creche' scene, Poinsettia, Hanukkah...Relive events on Christmas throughout history, from Columbus to Valley Forge, the Great Depression to the Korean...
Saint Nicholas - Sinter Klaas - Santa ClausRead the story of Nicholas, 3rd Century Bishop of Myra, Asia Minor (present day Turkey) and how over time s...
The Interesting History of Income Tax William J. Federer The only things certain are death and taxes - Benjamin Franklin Yet few know America's interesting history of Income Tax, such as: *1787 - U.S. Constitution prohibited a direct Federal tax *1862 - Revenue Tax on incomes went into effect to finance the Union during the Civil War *1895 - Supreme Court made Income Tax unconstitutional *Woodrow Wilson thought tariffs on imports caused wars, so he worked to replace them with an Income Tax. *1913 - Income Tax was only a 1% tax on the top 1% richest people in America. *1943 - Paycheck...
The Interesting History of Income Tax William J. Federer The only things certain are death and taxes - Benjamin Franklin Yet few know America's intere...
All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights - Declaration of Independence, 1776 Do you like having rights the government cannot take away? Do you like being equal? Do you like a country with few laws? Then you want America under God The Rights of man Come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God - John F. Kennedy, 1961, Inaugural Address We believe that all men are created equal, because they are created in the image of God - Harry S Truman, 1949, Inaugural Address Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly...
All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights - Declaration of Independence, 1776 Do you like having rights the government cann...
How did America go from Pilgrims seeking freedom to express their Christian beliefs to today's discrimination against those very beliefs in the name of tolerance? Federer investigates.
How did America go from Pilgrims seeking freedom to express their Christian beliefs to today's discrimination against those very beliefs in the name o...
WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE QUR'AN - A HISTORY OF ISLAM & THE UNITED STATES You will be fascinated by this fast-paced, objective history of the world from a perspective you have never imagined. Current events will come into focus in the back drop of 1,400 years of inconceivable yet true events and conflicts. Thousands of books, documents and articles have been researched over several years in preparation for this book. In 2006, Keith Ellison became the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress. He swore in on a Qur'an. Most Americans know little about the Qur'an, who...
WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE QUR'AN - A HISTORY OF ISLAM & THE UNITED STATES You will be fascinated by this fast-paced, objective histo...
Federer discusses threats made against free speech. Among his topics are why churches are afraid to speak on public issues, how voter fraud in Lyndon B. Johnson's 1948 Texas Senate race changed history, and the effect of McCarthyism and the 1950s anti-Communist movement.
Federer discusses threats made against free speech. Among his topics are why churches are afraid to speak on public issues, how voter fraud in Lyndon ...
From George Washington's orders for troops to attend divine services to Abraham Lincoln's annual day of thanksgiving to Harry S. Truman's annual day of prayer, America's leaders of the past have a tradition of faith, especially in times of crises.
From George Washington's orders for troops to attend divine services to Abraham Lincoln's annual day of thanksgiving to Harry S. Truman's annual day o...