Children today are bombarded more than any time in history with satanic influences. There is a war being waged for their imaginations and for their souls. A Manual for Children's Deliverance reveals deliverance truths, in simple terms, for setting children free from fears, torments, and destructive behavior. Frank and Ida Mae Hammond draw upon their rich experience in dealing with children and in helping them receive the freedom purchased for them through the cross of Jesus Christ. The authors include a special section covering the dangers inherent in, and the evil influences of, certain...
Children today are bombarded more than any time in history with satanic influences. There is a war being waged for their imaginations and for their so...
Today, Christians are being called to take their rightful place in the army of God and stand against "powers and principalities" over families, churches, cities and nations.
Christians are in conflict with demons and territorial spirits. This is nothing new... the prophet Daniel confronted the "prince of Persia" when interceding for the captive people of God. We are invited to participate in the outcome of events through intercessory prayer. Find out the role you can play in God's kingdom through the authority granted you in Christ Jesus. Unleash the power of prayer...
Today, Christians are being called to take their rightful place in the army of God and stand against "powers and principalities" over famil...
Two human personalities can form a relationship, and, through communication and communion, that relationship can be enhanced. Likewise, a person can form and develop a close relationship with an evil spirit, whether for knowledge or gain. When a person forms a relationship with an evil spirit, he then has a familiar spirit. Familiar spirits are counterfeits of the Holy Spirit's work. Anyone who has fellowship with God, and who is led by the Holy Spirit, does not need a familiar spirit, for God provides him with all that he needs. As with anything occult, involvement with familiar spirits...
Two human personalities can form a relationship, and, through communication and communion, that relationship can be enhanced. Likewise, a person can f...
The call to war... has now been issued by our Commander and Chief, The Lord Jesus Christ. The 1990's were a decade of spiritual warfare. The 2000's are only more so. It is God's timing. The end of the age is at hand, and it is time for the Church to bring down the "gates of Hades." God is calling His army to battle
The call to war... has now been issued by our Commander and Chief, The Lord Jesus Christ. The 1990's were a decade of spiritual warfare. The 2000's ar...
Can the Marriage Bed be defiled? Or, does anything and everything go so long as husband and wife are in agreement with their sexual activities? Author Frank Hammond provides helpful advice on how to keep the Marriage Bed pure before the Lord. Drawing from God's emphasis on purity and holiness in our lives, this booklet explains how to avoid perverse sexual demonic activity in a home. Issues covered include pornography in the home, oral and anal sex, adultery and more. Learn what defiles the marriage bed, and find principles for a righteous and favored marriage life. -Let marriage be held in...
Can the Marriage Bed be defiled? Or, does anything and everything go so long as husband and wife are in agreement with their sexual activities? Author...
Why does deliverance sometimes fail? This is, in essence, the same question raised by Jesus' first disciples. When these disciples were unable to cast out a spirit of epilepsy, they were puzzled and asked Jesus the reason for their failure. Jesus gave a multi-part answer which leads us to take into account the petitioner's faith, the deliverance minister's capability, the spiritual qualifications that must be met, the strength of the spirit confronted and the strategy of warfare employed. In particular, there are myths, misunderstandings and misinformation concerning the ministry of...
Why does deliverance sometimes fail? This is, in essence, the same question raised by Jesus' first disciples. When these disciples were unable to cast...
The sexual revolution has impacted our nation, our church and our family. Promiscuity, nudity and sexual obscenities have become commonplace, and our consciences have become desensitized. No longer is there a widespread outcry against the avalanche of filth flaunted daily before our eyes. The repercussions from sexual sin are mounting as moral convictions falter and sexual fads balloon. Neither the nation nor the individual can escape the consequences of disregarding God's commandments. The Bible warns us that, "The wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23), and "The way of the transgressor is hard"...
The sexual revolution has impacted our nation, our church and our family. Promiscuity, nudity and sexual obscenities have become commonplace, and our ...
Is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit for today? "When I returned from the conference in New Mexico, Ida Mae met me at the door, and she was grinning. Before I could get in the door she queried, 'Guess what happened to me while you were gone?' In one burst of speech she said, "I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and I speak in tongues " "Now I was really shaken. This baptism in the Holy Spirit must be a reality, but I could not accept even the testimony of my wife as final authority. I told her that I had to find it in the Bible. "For three weeks I poured over the Scriptures and waited...
Is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit for today? "When I returned from the conference in New Mexico, Ida Mae met me at the door, and she was grinning. ...
Una persona puede formar y desarrollar una relacion intima con un espiritu maligno, voluntariamente o por ignorancia. Dos personas humanas pueden formar una relacion, y por medio de comunicacion y comunion la relacion puede ser aumentada. De la misma manera, una persona puede formar y desarrollar una relacion intima con un espiritu maligno, ya sea para el conocimiento o la ganancia. Cuando una persona forma una relacion con un espiritu maligno, esa persona entonces "tiene" un espiritu familiar. Los espiritus familiares son imitadores de los dones del Espiritu Santo. Cualquiera que tiene...
Una persona puede formar y desarrollar una relacion intima con un espiritu maligno, voluntariamente o por ignorancia. Dos personas humanas pueden f...
Ever wonder what it would be like to be active in a Deliverance Ministry? Frank Hammond and Frank Marzullo - the two Franks - became life-long friends and fellow deliverance ministers after they first met and ministered together in 1975. In the ensuing years, they traveled together with their wives to various cities in the US, Mexico, Europe and South America. During this time, they shared with one another the humorous, strange, exciting, and bizarre - details of what they experienced in their healing and deliverance ministries. In this booklet, they tell some of their most memorable...
Ever wonder what it would be like to be active in a Deliverance Ministry? Frank Hammond and Frank Marzullo - the two Franks - became life-long frie...