CHANGEZ VOTRE FACON DE PERCEVOIR LE LEADERSHIP A l'age de trente-trois ans, le Dr Albert Mohler est devenu le plus jeune president du Southern Baptist Theological Seminary depuis sa fondation il y a 153 ans. Il est a l'origine de la transformation de l'ecole en un etablissement prospere jouissant d'une reputation internationale caracterisee par une conviction passionnee pour la verite. Au cours de ce processus, il est devenu l'une des voix chretiennes les plus importantes et connues de la culture contemporaine. COMMENT TRANSFORMEREZ-VOUS VOTRE LEADERSHIP? Des competences en administration et...
CHANGEZ VOTRE FACON DE PERCEVOIR LE LEADERSHIP A l'age de trente-trois ans, le Dr Albert Mohler est devenu le plus jeune president du Southern Baptist...
Leadership Principles from a Renowned Agent of Change Cultures and organizations do not change without strong leadership. While many leadership books focus on management or administration, the central focus of The Conviction to Lead is on changing minds. Dr. Mohler was the driving force behind the transformation of Southern Seminary from a liberal institution of waning influence to a thriving evangelical seminary at the heart of the Southern Baptist Convention. Since then he has been one of the most prominent voices in evangelicalism, fighting for Christian principles and...
Leadership Principles from a Renowned Agent of Change Cultures and organizations do not change without strong leadership. While many leadership bo...