Werner Hacke Gregory J. Delzoppo Matthias Hirschberg
During the last decade scientists in both basic and clinical research have renew ed their interest in the potential role of thrombolytic therapy in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. The reevaluation of this approach was kindled by our growing knowledge of the pathogenesis of thrombotic and embolic stroke and by the development of new thrombolytic agents. With no proven therapy for acute ischemic stroke available, the potential value of early pharmacologic recanalization of occluded vessels in the management of acute stroke patients - an approach that has been supported by animal...
During the last decade scientists in both basic and clinical research have renew ed their interest in the potential role of thrombolytic therapy in th...
Despite a worldwide reduction in its incidence, stroke remains one of the most common diseases generally and the most important cause of premature and persistent disability in the industrialized countries. The most frequent cause of stroke is a localized disturbance of cerebral circulation, i.e., cerebral ischemia. Less common are spon taneous intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhages and sinus ve nous thromboses. The introduction of new diagnostic procedures such as cranial computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, digi tal subtraction radiologic techniques, and various ultrasound...
Despite a worldwide reduction in its incidence, stroke remains one of the most common diseases generally and the most important cause of premature and...
The manuscripts in this book were generated from a conference occurring at the University of Heidelberg in September 1996. These manuscripts have been reviewed and updated by the designated authors in late 1997 for publication in early 1998. Conferences occur for a variety of reasons. These include the need to exchange information where complex activities are undergoing reassessment or change. For the emergency and critical care man agement of stroke this is certainly the situation. Today, both the pri mary care and the neurologic physician must provide medical care in an environment where...
The manuscripts in this book were generated from a conference occurring at the University of Heidelberg in September 1996. These manuscripts have been...
Dieses bewahrte Lehrbuch vermittelt Ihnen das gesamte Neurologie-Prufungswissen fur Ihr Medizinstudium und bereitet auch junge Assistenzarzte durch detailliertes Fachwissen optimal auf die Praxis vor. Das neue farbige Layout und der homogene Schreibstil unterstutzen dabei Ihren Lernerfolg.
Der Inhalt
Diese komplett uberarbeitete Auflage enthalt 6 neue, interdisziplinare Kapitel:
Auf der Grundlage neuer Erkenntnisse uber die verschiedenen Ursachen und Pathogenesen zerebraler Ischamien durch verbesserte diagnostische Untersuchungsmethoden wie z. B. Ultraschall, Computer-Tomographie, Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie und Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie wird in diesem Buch die traditionelle Stadieneinteilung des Schlaganfalls erganzt durch atiologische Uberlegungen, die Grundlage therapeutischer Massnahmen sein sollen. Dieses Konzept wird auch deshalb der mehr deskriptiven traditionellen Einteilung vorgezogen, weil es die individuelle Krankheitsgeschichte des einzelnen...
Auf der Grundlage neuer Erkenntnisse uber die verschiedenen Ursachen und Pathogenesen zerebraler Ischamien durch verbesserte diagnostische Untersuchun...