This important new volume brings together recent research by leading international ergonomists and sport and exercise scientists. The book presents a wide range of studies in occupational ergonomics, each utilizing techniques that are also employed by sports and exercise science research groups, and therefore breaks new ground in the interface between sport and industry. Arranged into sections examining environment, special populations, human factors interface, sports technology and occupational health, this book will be an essential purchase for all those involved in sports science or...
This important new volume brings together recent research by leading international ergonomists and sport and exercise scientists. The book presents a ...
Kinanthropometry deals with the relationship between the structure and function of the human body, particularly within the context of movement. Kinanthropometry VIII is the collected proceedings of the eighth conference of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). The book includes 60 peer-reviewed papers covering topics including body composition, somatotype, methodology, growth and paediatric issues, special populations, clinical and athletic applications, and environmental and genetic influences. This collection should be of interest to postgraduates and...
Kinanthropometry deals with the relationship between the structure and function of the human body, particularly within the context of movement. Kinant...
The book is an edited collection of papers presented at the 5th World Congress on Science and Football. It represents the latest scientific research into the variety of sports known as football/soccer. These include the games of Association football, the rugby codes (Union and League), the national codes (American, Australian and Gaelic). The overall purpose is to bridge the gap between theory and practice related to these football games. Contributions are from leading international experts in the fields, coming together to report their latest findings and raise awareness of current issues...
The book is an edited collection of papers presented at the 5th World Congress on Science and Football. It represents the latest scientific research i...
This is an examination of the major sports and the physiological demands of each presented by an international group of sports scientists. It will serve as a reference for sports physicians, physical educationalists, exercise physiologists, coaches and researchers.
This is an examination of the major sports and the physiological demands of each presented by an international group of sports scientists. It will ser...
Racket sports pose the challenge of combining physical agility, ball, racket and eye coordination, tactical analysis and physical and psychological endurance. These sports have always been attractive to play and observe. Because of these combinations they are challenging to both sports scientists and to the coach. There have been major thrusts in optimizing the preparation of individuals and teams for competition, improving design of equipment and facilities, quantitative analysis of performance and tactics and the recognition and development of young players. Conventional sport science...
Racket sports pose the challenge of combining physical agility, ball, racket and eye coordination, tactical analysis and physical and psychological en...
This thorough book collates the relationships between exercise and the environment into one efficient volume. The aim of this text is to provide a comprehensive coverage of the environmental influences that impact the individual when exercising or competing in sport. The main environmental factors are considered, and the physiological reactions to discrete environmental stresses are described and methods of adaptation or coping are explained.
This thorough book collates the relationships between exercise and the environment into one efficient volume. The aim of this text is to provide a com...