Taama Marti Forasiepi Public Domain Taama Marti Forasiepi
The carol "The 12 Days of Christmas" was first created in the 1500's and passed from person to person throughout the ages. Over the years, its lyrics have evolved and shifted meanings. These hand drawn images were created to evoke the essence of the song's joyous seasonal traditions.
The carol "The 12 Days of Christmas" was first created in the 1500's and passed from person to person throughout the ages. Over the years, its lyrics ...
This is a book for young children introducing them to the idea that people in developing nations have a need for food, clothing, shelter, housing, medical care and basic governmental services that are not being met, and that we in the developed world take for granted.
This is a book for young children introducing them to the idea that people in developing nations have a need for food, clothing, shelter, housing, med...