The rapidly proliferating research on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), now well in its second decade, continues to generate new information at a rate heretofore unparalleled in medicine. As a direct result, the increasing variety of methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of HIV and AIDS has made it difficult for physicians to keep abreast of the optimal management approaches in the field. The HIV Manual is an immensely practical, accessible, and up-to-date summary of the wide range of clinically relevant information on HIV-infected adults. It deals with the key...
The rapidly proliferating research on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), now well in its second decade, continues to generate new information at ...
The only book to combine the perspectives of both physical medicine and rehabilitation and internal medicine, this practical handbook provides physiatrists and residents in training with a concise description of common medical concerns that can disrupt or complicate therapy and rehabilitation. It focuses on the major diagnostic categories of disabilities that are admitted for in-patient rehabilitation such as stroke, spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputation, multiple major trauma, neurological disorders, burns, musculoskeletal trauma, cancer, and other diseases or disorders. For easy...
The only book to combine the perspectives of both physical medicine and rehabilitation and internal medicine, this practical handbook provides phys...