1 This is the second volume in the EMAN-Europe series of selected refereed papers on environmental management accounting drawn primarily from 2 papers presented at EMAN-Europe's annual conferences . Most of the th papersin thisvolumewere ?rstpresented at the5 EMAN-EuropeAnnual Conference at the University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, on 11-12 February 2002. Asseveralofthepapersshow, environmentalmanagementaccounting(EMA) has continued to become increasingly established in both private-sector companies and in the public sector. As a network of researchers, business people,...
1 This is the second volume in the EMAN-Europe series of selected refereed papers on environmental management accounting drawn primarily from 2 papers...
Pall M. Rikhardsson Jan Jaap Bouma Stefan Schaltegger
This book brings together examples of leading thinking and international practice in the rapidly developing area of environmental management accounting .(EMA) The authors include academics and practitioners from industry and the subjects covered range from individual company experiences with implementing EMA to national experiences regarding the adoption and diffusion of EMA practices.
This book brings together examples of leading thinking and international practice in the rapidly developing area of environmental management accoun...
Pall M. Rikhardsson Stefan Schaltegger Martin Bennett
This is the third volume in the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN) series of selected refereed papers on environmental management accounting drawn primarily from papers presented at EMAN-Europe's annual c- ferences. Most of the papers in this volume were ?rst presented at the 6th EMAN- Europe Annual Conference at the Aarhus School of Business, Denmark, on 23-24 January 2003. The focus of the conference and the papers presented was on implementation of Environmental Management Accounting. That is to say what challenges there are in getting EMAto work in companies, how...
This is the third volume in the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN) series of selected refereed papers on environmental management acco...
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the most current developments in environmental and sustainability accounting and its links to reporting. This fourth volume in the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN) series is characterized by a broad geographical and a contextual range of topics. Contributions from nearly all continents discuss new dev- opments in environmental accounting and investigate topics and links - tween corporate environmental and sustainability issues as well as between strategy, measurement and information management or between accounting and reporting....
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the most current developments in environmental and sustainability accounting and its links to reporting. ...
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the most current developments in environmental and sustainability accounting and its links to reporting. This fourth volume in the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN) series is characterized by a broad geographical and a contextual range of topics. Contributions from nearly all continents discuss new dev- opments in environmental accounting and investigate topics and links - tween corporate environmental and sustainability issues as well as between strategy, measurement and information management or between accounting and reporting....
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the most current developments in environmental and sustainability accounting and its links to reporting. ...
Stefan Schaltegger Martin Bennett Roger L. Burritt
Sustainability requires companies to develop in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner. Corporate sustainable development in turn requires movement towards cleaner production. In order to recognize the potential from cleaner production reduced costs and fewer environmental impacts through the reduced use of materials environmental management accounting (EMA) is a necessary information management tool.
Environmental Management Accounting for Cleaner Production reveals a set of tools for companies to collect, evaluate and interpret...
Sustainability requires companies to develop in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner. Corporate sustainable development...
Diese Einfuhrung in die umweltorientierten Wirtschaftswissenschaften wendet sich in erster Linie an Studierende der Umweltwissenschaften, die ihr okologisches Wissen in okonomische Handlungsbezuge setzen mochten. Das Lehrbuch bietet einen gut verstandlichen, allgemeinen Einstieg, der volks- und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte beinhaltet und gleichermassen auf beratende und unternehmerische Tatigkeiten im Anschluss an das Studium vorbereitet. Ein Schwerpunkt ist es, auch Nichtokonomen an wirtschaftliche Zusammenhange heran zu fuhren. Zu diesem Zweck orientiert sich der Aufbau des Buches an den...
Diese Einfuhrung in die umweltorientierten Wirtschaftswissenschaften wendet sich in erster Linie an Studierende der Umweltwissenschaften, die ihr okol...
Stefan Schaltegger Martin Bennett Roger L. Burritt
Sustainability requires companies to develop in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner. Corporate sustainable development in turn requires movement towards cleaner production. In order to recognize the potential from cleaner production reduced costs and fewer environmental impacts through the reduced use of materials environmental management accounting (EMA) is a necessary information management tool.
Environmental Management Accounting for Cleaner Production reveals a set of tools for companies to collect, evaluate and interpret...
Sustainability requires companies to develop in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner. Corporate sustainable development...
This volume s focus on the environmental accounting of supply chain processes is of particular relevance because these processes supply data about the environmental impact of relationships between business organisations, an area where the boundary separating internal and external accounting is ill-defined. Here, contributors advocate what they term accounting for cooperation as a more environmentally positive complement to the paradigmatic practice of accounting for competition ."
This volume s focus on the environmental accounting of supply chain processes is of particular relevance because these processes supply data about the...
Roger L. Burritt Stefan Schaltegger Martin Bennett
This volume s focus on the environmental accounting of supply chain processes is of particular relevance because these processes supply data about the environmental impact of relationships between business organisations, an area where the boundary separating internal and external accounting is ill-defined. Here, contributors advocate what they term accounting for cooperation as a more environmentally positive complement to the paradigmatic practice of accounting for competition ."
This volume s focus on the environmental accounting of supply chain processes is of particular relevance because these processes supply data about the...