During the period that the Old Testament came into being, Israel, from who whose world the documents contained in the Old Testament derive, underwent many changes, especially in its sociological structures. Such changes produce changes in liturgical life, resulting finally in the elimination of a multiplicity of sanctuaries and focusing on Jerusalem.Walther Zimmerli suggests that a presentation of Old Testament theology cannot close its eyes to all this movement and change. This classic study expertly outlines the essential religious structures and tensions of the Old Testament.
During the period that the Old Testament came into being, Israel, from who whose world the documents contained in the Old Testament derive, underwe...
This work brings together some of Zimmerli's work on Old Testament theology and the prophets. He is especially renowned for his works on Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and the prophetic exper-ience. It includes additional notes and bibliography for each essay to show how the discussion has continued.
This work brings together some of Zimmerli's work on Old Testament theology and the prophets. He is especially renowned for his works on Ezekiel, Jere...