Things are turning around for seventeen-year-old Peggy Fitzroy, a once-orphaned spy. Her father is back from the dead, and her unwanted engagement has been called off for good. But when a mysterious veiled woman shows up, Peggy uncovers a fresh slew of questions about her past, present, and future. Now Peggy is back at the palace, unsure of the loyalties she thought she held. With the Jacobite uprising stalking ever closer to the throne, it s imperative that Peggy discover who she can really trust. Can she save herself and the royal family, or is she doomed as a pawn in this most deadly...
Things are turning around for seventeen-year-old Peggy Fitzroy, a once-orphaned spy. Her father is back from the dead, and her unwanted engagement ...
Infused with folklore magic and history, The Firebird's Vengeance is the stunning conclusion to the Isavalta trilogy.
You will pay for this, screamed the Firebird. Life and blood and realm I will have from you.
Thirty years ago the Empress of Isavalta imprisoned the terrible Firebird in a cage wrought with gold, magic and blood. She succeeded in saving her realm, but at a harsh price: the life of her loyal sorcerer, Avanasy.
Now, with the Empress's death, the Firebird has been freed, and its desire for revenge is unquenchable. Avanasy's daughter, Bridget, is warned by the...
Infused with folklore magic and history, The Firebird's Vengeance is the stunning conclusion to the Isavalta trilogy.