Description: People too often enter into conflict with an eye on how to resolve, manage, or transform it, thereby losing sight of the people involved and the end desired. Justice and peace too often serve as abstract ideals or distant shores. We have not yet learned enough about how these ends can also be the means of conflict resolution. Drawing on the imaginations of some leading peace and restorative justice practitioners, Justpeace Ethics identifies components of a justpeace imagination--the basis of an alternative ethics, where the end is touched with each step. In this simple companion...
Description: People too often enter into conflict with an eye on how to resolve, manage, or transform it, thereby losing sight of the people involved ...
To witness effectively and powerfully to Christian testimonies of care and compassion, of justice and mercy, of healing and wholeness, it is necessary to foster awareness of the realities of the present system of retributive justice if there is to be any hope of transformation to a system of justice which is restorative. Forget Them Not provides a history of the prison system as a means of punishment contrasting it with the relatively recent but growing practice of restorative justice. Joanne Hemenway explores the concept of disconnection as radical evil, as a separation from God who is the...
To witness effectively and powerfully to Christian testimonies of care and compassion, of justice and mercy, of healing and wholeness, it is necessary...
"This book addresses the impact of Jesus on the practice of conflict resolution interventions, such as restorative justice, mediation, peacebuilding, and trauma healing." "[summary]"--Provided by publisher.
"This book addresses the impact of Jesus on the practice of conflict resolution interventions, such as restorative justice, mediation, peacebuilding, ...
The seminal work on Restorative Justice by one of the founders of the movement, now fully revised and updated. In a time of bitter differences and deep division, how should we as a society respond to wrongdoing? When a crime occurs or an injustice is done, what needs to happen? What does justice require? Howard Zehr is the father of Restorative Justice and is known worldwide for his pioneering work in transforming understandings of justice. Here he proposes workable Principles and Practices for making Restorative Justice possible in this revised and updated edition of his...
The seminal work on Restorative Justice by one of the founders of the movement, now fully revised and updated. In a time of bitter diff...
"Esta valiosa coleccion de ensayos sera de interes para cualquier persona que crea en la justicia." Howard Zehr es conocido por ser el padre de la Justicia Restaurativa. Durante mas de dos anos, Virginia Domingo ha venido publicando sus articulos de forma periodica en la revista Criminologia y Justicia, dando a conocer la Justicia Restaurativa y velando por una mejora del sistema de Justicia en Espana. La presente antologia pone al alcance de un publico mas amplio su rica y extensa obra, y permite reconocer su esfuerzo en la mejora de un ambito que afecta a todos y cada uno de los ciudadanos...
"Esta valiosa coleccion de ensayos sera de interes para cualquier persona que crea en la justicia." Howard Zehr es conocido por ser el padre de la Jus...
For the first time, the four most popular restorative justice books in the Justice & Peacebuilding series--The Little Book of Restorative Justice: Revised and Updated, The Little Book of Victim Offender Conferencing, The Little Book of Family Group Conferences, and The Little Book of Circle Processes--are available in one affordable volume. Restorative justice, with its emphasis on identifying the justice needs of everyone involved in a crime, is a worldwide movement of growing influence that is helping victims and communities heal while holding criminals...
For the first time, the four most popular restorative justice books in the Justice & Peacebuilding series--The Little Book of Restorative Justice: ...
Does the criminal justice system actually help victims and offenders? What does justice look like for those who have been harmed? For those who have done harm? Twenty-five years after it was first published, Changing Lenses by Howard Zehr remains the classic text of the restorative justice field.
Now with valuable author updates on the changing landscape of restorative justice and a new section of resources for practitioners and teachers, Changing Lenses offers a framework for understanding crime, injury, accountability, and healing from a restorative perspective....
Does the criminal justice system actually help victims and offenders? What does justice look like for those who have been harmed? For those who hav...
In coffee shops, convenience stores, and courthouses across the country, Americans are struggling to agree on why the justice system they have is not the justice system they want. Dramatically different experiences with it frustrate every attempt at a common description of the problem, and the grim consensus that filling prisons and detention centers is almost no one's goal gives no hint to what the solution could be. But recently, analyses such as Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness and the work of public policy organizations such as...
In coffee shops, convenience stores, and courthouses across the country, Americans are struggling to agree on why the justice system they have is n...