Talk with your Spanish-speaking employees--no prior knowledge of Spanish needed
Perfect Phrases in Spanish for Household Maintenance and Child Care gives you more than 500 vital words and phrases specific to working in the home, with translations spelled out phonetically so you can say what you need to say immediately.
For example: Give the baby a bath.Dale un bano al/(a la) bebe (DAH-leh oon BAHN-yoh ahl/(ah lah) beh-BEH)
Put the newspapers in the recycle bin. Ponga los periodicos en esta canasta para el reciclamiento....
Talk with your Spanish-speaking employees--no prior knowledge of Spanish needed
Perfect Phrases in Spanish for Household Maintena...
Speak with your Spanish-speaking employees--no prior knowledge of Spanish needed
Perfect Phrases in Spanish for the Hotel and Restaurant Industries gives you more than 500 vital words and phrases specific to the hotel and restaurant fields, with translations spelled out phonetically so you can say what you need to say immediately.
For example: Knock before entering a room.Toque a la puerta antes de entrar en una habitacion. (TOH-keh ah lah P'WEHR-tah ahn-tess deh en-TRAR en oo-nah ah-bee-tah-S'YOHN)
Set up thirty tables for eight...
Speak with your Spanish-speaking employees--no prior knowledge of Spanish needed
Perfect Phrases in Spanish for the Hotel and Res...