The ongoing adventures of an eight inch eight-year-old. Introducing three of the Peanut Logger's best buddys, old Pap, Mike the Tractor, and Skelly.
The ongoing adventures of an eight inch eight-year-old. Introducing three of the Peanut Logger's best buddys, old Pap, Mike the Tractor, and Skelly.
VEGETARIANS AND SEMI-VEGETARIANS LIVE LONGER AND HEALTHIER LIVES The healthiest and longest living people on earth eat plenty of vegetables, fruit and natural dairy products and very little meat according to author Dan Buettner who partnered with National Geographic and the National Institute on Aging to study the longest living people on earth. The mountain inhabitants in Sardinia, Italy, have the highest number of male centenarians in the world (10.8 per 1,000 newborns). In the isolated mountain villages of Sardinia they only eat pork or lamb on special occasions and only a little, but on a...
VEGETARIANS AND SEMI-VEGETARIANS LIVE LONGER AND HEALTHIER LIVES The healthiest and longest living people on earth eat plenty of vegetables, fruit and...
VEGETARIANAS Y SEMI-VEGETARIANAS VIVEN MAS LARGA Y SANA VIDA Las personas mas sanas y con lo mas largas vidas en el mundo comen muchas verduras, frutas y productos lacteos naturales y muy poca carne segun el autor Dan Buettner que se asocio con National Geographic y el Instituto Nacional Sobre el Envejecimiento para el estudio de la vida mas larga de la tierra. Los habitantes de las montanas en Cerdena, Italia, tiene el mayor numero de hombres centenarios en el mundo (10,8 por cada 1.000 nacidos vivos). En las remotas aldeas de las montanas de Cerdena solo comen carne de cerdo o de cordero en...
VEGETARIANAS Y SEMI-VEGETARIANAS VIVEN MAS LARGA Y SANA VIDA Las personas mas sanas y con lo mas largas vidas en el mundo comen muchas verduras, fruta...