Thi s book ari ses from The Fourth European Coll oqui urn on Theoret i ca 1 and Quant itat i ve Geography wh i ch was he 1 din Ve 1 dhoven, The Netherlands in September 1985. It contains a series of papers on spatial choice dynamics and dynamical spatial systems which were presented at the colloquium, together with a few other soll icited ones. The book is intended primarily as a state-of-the art review of mainly European research on these two fastly growing problem areas. As a consequence of this decision, the book contains a selection of papers that differs in terms of focus, level of...
Thi s book ari ses from The Fourth European Coll oqui urn on Theoret i ca 1 and Quant itat i ve Geography wh i ch was he 1 din Ve 1 dhoven, The Nether...