"If you don't know my name, you don't know your own."--James Baldwin
Featuring fiction, poetry, autobiography, and literary criticism, Black Voices captures the diverse and powerful words of a literary explosion, the ramifications of which can be seen and heard in the works of today's African-American artists. A comprehensive and impressive primer, this anthology presents some of the greatest and most enduring work born out of the African-American experience in the United States.
Contributors Include: Sterling A. Brown Charles W. Chesnutt John Henrik...
"If you don't know my name, you don't know your own."--James Baldwin
Featuring fiction, poetry, autobiography, and literary criticism, B...
"This is an excellent collection of papers which celebrates the best of traditional approaches to fieldwork, whilst also looking to its future. The Handbook will quickly become essential reading for the novice and experienced fieldworker across many of the social sciences" --Chris Pole, University of Leicester
Fieldwork is widely practiced but little written about, yet accounts of the exotic, mundane, complex and often dangerous are central to not only sociology and anthropology but also geography, social psychology and criminology. In all these -...
"This is an excellent collection of papers which celebrates the best of traditional approaches to fieldwork, whilst also looking to its future. The
Anglo-Norman Studies has established itself as one of the leading annuals in the field and this index aims to simplify access to the first decade of scholarhip produced by the Battle Conference. Primarily an index of persons and places, it also includes wider subject entries. Entries for persons are cross-referenced by titles and offices, so that a succession of holders of a bishopric or an earldom can be quickly traced.
Anglo-Norman Studies has established itself as one of the leading annuals in the field and this index aims to simplify access to the first decade of s...
For more than two decades Richard Wright was interviewed by the American and foreign press, first as the author of Uncle Tom's Children (1938), Native Son (1940), and Black Boy (1945), next as a famous expatriate recently arrived and lionized in postwar Paris, and finally as the seasoned writer of a dozen books. At the end of his life the young man from Mississippi had become a well-traveled intellectual deeply interested in the social and political as well as literary and racial issues of the Old, the New, and the Third World.
Conversations with Richard Wright...
For more than two decades Richard Wright was interviewed by the American and foreign press, first as the author of Uncle Tom's Children (1938),...
12 Million Black Voices, first published in 1941, combines Wright's prose with startling photographs selected by Edwin Rosskam from the Security Farm Administration files compiled during the Great Depression. The photographs include works by such giants as Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, and Arthur Rothstein. From crowded, rundown farm shacks to Harlem storefront churches, the photos depict the lives of black people in 1930s America - their misery and weariness under rural poverty, their spiritual strength, and their lives in northern ghettos. Wright's accompanying text eloquently narrates the...
12 Million Black Voices, first published in 1941, combines Wright's prose with startling photographs selected by Edwin Rosskam from the Security Farm ...
This comprehensive examination of the effectiveness of prisons is virtually alone in showing that prisons are moderately effective in achieving specific and general deterrence and collective and selective incapacitation. Wright provides evidence which defends prisons as important social institutions and argues that noninterventionist alternative measures are less likely to prevent crime than conventional imprisonment policies. He also offers sentencing recommendations that may maximize the effectiveness of prisons as agents of social control. This up-to-date assessment is required reading...
This comprehensive examination of the effectiveness of prisons is virtually alone in showing that prisons are moderately effective in achieving spe...
Paul Green and Richard Wright Adapted from the classic novel by Richard Wright
Characters: 15 male, 14 female (w/doubling)
Multiple Sets
The story of Bigger Thomas, a black youth seeking his identity in the white world. This adpatation was originally produced by Orson Welles and John Houseman.
Paul Green and Richard Wright Adapted from the classic novel by Richard Wright