Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry provides timely and critical reviews of important topics in medicinal chemistry together with an emphasis on emerging topics in the biological sciences, which are expected to provide the basis for entirely new future therapies. Sections I-IV are disease orientated and generally report on specific medicinal agents. Sections V and VI continue to emphasize important topics in medicinal chemistry, biology, and drug design. Section VII looks at Trends and Perspectives in the pharmaceuticals market.
Critical reviews of the previous year's...
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry provides timely and critical reviews of important topics in medicinal chemistry together with an emphasis...
Preserving New York is the largely unknown inspiring story of the origins of New York City's nationally acclaimed landmarks law. The decades of struggle behind the law, its intellectual origins, the men and women who fought for it, the forces that shaped it, and the buildings lost and saved on the way to its ultimate passage, span from 1913 to 1965. Intended for the interested public as well as students of New York City history, architecture, and preservation itself, over 100 illustrations help reveal a history richer and more complex than the accepted myth that the landmarks law...
Preserving New York is the largely unknown inspiring story of the origins of New York City's nationally acclaimed landmarks law. The decad...
This is the final ebook in the series and is a collection of my first three books on making your own fishing baits along with some added extra bonus material. You will find not only an understanding of the science behind the ingredients but also recipes that I have tried and caught fish on. There are a few recipes on baits you may not have tried before. All in all it is a complete package on making your own baits and I hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
This is the final ebook in the series and is a collection of my first three books on making your own fishing baits along with some added extra bonus m...