W.A. de Jong President of TNO Until some decades ago man supposed that the resilience of the environment was unlimited. He thought he could draw heavily on nature with impunity and that he could infinitely dump his waste into the environment. We have come to know better now: virtually everyone is well aware that one cannot just go on burdening the environment of man, animal and plant to such an extent. TNO, the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, is among those research institutions that are working on economically feasible solutions for pollution problems resulting from...
W.A. de Jong President of TNO Until some decades ago man supposed that the resilience of the environment was unlimited. He thought he could draw heavi...
Dieses Buch dient als Grundlage fUr eine Vorlesung in A1lgemeiner Genetik fiir Studierende der Medizin in den ersten Semestern. Der Leser dieses Buches sollte Grundkenntnisse in Biologie und Chemie besitzen, spezielle Kenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Genetik spielt in immer sHirkerem Ma eine zentrale Rolle in allen biologi schen Teildisziplinen. Man kann den Einstieg in die Genetik von den Mendel schen Regeln oder von der Molekulargenetik her wahlen. Ich habe ihn in meinem Buch von der molekularen Seite gewahlt. Die Studenten sind dann mit der molekularen Genetik vertraut und konnen die...
Dieses Buch dient als Grundlage fUr eine Vorlesung in A1lgemeiner Genetik fiir Studierende der Medizin in den ersten Semestern. Der Leser dieses Buche...
Integral transforms are among the main mathematical methods for the solution of equations describing physical systems, because, quite generally, the coupling between the elements which constitute such a system-these can be the mass points in a finite spring lattice or the continuum of a diffusive or elastic medium-prevents a straightforward "single-particle" solution. By describing the same system in an appropriate reference frame, one can often bring about a mathematical uncoupling of the equations in such a way that the solution becomes that of noninteracting constituents. The "tilt" in the...
Integral transforms are among the main mathematical methods for the solution of equations describing physical systems, because, quite generally, the c...