Only in recent centuries have Catholic and Protestant women begun the practice of creating formal groups for the express purpose of operating schools, hospitals, and the like. Yet, there is evidence that this period of active organizational involvement may already be coming to an end. The resulting effect of denominational groups losing their institutional identities has been greatly overlooked in past research. Wittberg aims to redress this omission in this noteworthy work. From Piety to Professionalism D and Back? argues that the dissolution of institutional ties has greatly affected...
Only in recent centuries have Catholic and Protestant women begun the practice of creating formal groups for the express purpose of operating schools,...
Mary Johnson Patricia, SC Wittberg Mary L. Gautier
This book offers a comprehensive examination of the generations of women who entered religious life in the United States after 1965. It provides up-to-date demographics for women's religious institutes; a summary of canon law locating religious life within the various forms of life in the Church; an analysis of Church documents on religious life; and data on the views of post-Vatican II entrants regarding ministry, identity, prayer, spirituality, the vows, and community. Beginning each chapter with an engaging narrative, the authors explore how different generations of Catholic women first...
This book offers a comprehensive examination of the generations of women who entered religious life in the United States after 1965. It provides up-to...
From its earliest days, Christianity has been lived and proclaimed in the language and symbols of each receiving culture. Today, these cultures include the new ethnic groups moving into our parishes. They also include new generations of Catholic young adults, whose childhood experiences of their faith are very different from those of their elders. In "Catholic Cultures," Sister Patricia Wittberg offers a view of Catholicism through the eyes of Catholics from these different cultures, so that we may all be challenged to grow in our reception of the Good News.
From its earliest days, Christianity has been lived and proclaimed in the language and symbols of each receiving culture. Today, these cultures includ...