'The pages of this book represent the quest of a man intent on discerning the nature of structural evil in light of the biblical evidence. His experience of living for a time in Latin American and witnessing extensive social and political oppression appears to have moved him profoundly. The end result is a book that is a model of the attempt to integrate scholarship with faith.'--Clinton E. Arnold, Catalyst
'The pages of this book represent the quest of a man intent on discerning the nature of structural evil in light of the biblical evidence. His experie...
'In his remarkable trilogy on the principalities and powers, Walter Wink has biblically verified what more and more of us have come to realize intuitively: namely, that underneath and within the social, economic, and political crisis we face, there are profoundly spiritual realities which must be confronted.' -Jim Wallis, Sojourners
'In his remarkable trilogy on the principalities and powers, Walter Wink has biblically verified what more and more of us have come to realize intuiti...
Wink explores the problem of evil today and how it relates to the New Testament concept of Principalities and Powers. He asks the question How can we oppose evil without creating new evils and being made evil ourselves?Winner of the Pax Christi Award, the Academy of Parish Clergy Book of the Year, and the Midwest Book Achievement Award for Best Religious Book.
Wink explores the problem of evil today and how it relates to the New Testament concept of Principalities and Powers. He asks the question How can we ...
Walter Wink examines the prospects for emerg ing democracies as they make the transition from dictatorshi p to free state. His concern is to find ways of reconciling the deep divisions caused by dictatorship without breeding f urther injustice. '
Walter Wink examines the prospects for emerg ing democracies as they make the transition from dictatorshi p to free state. His concern is to find ways...
A professor of biblical interpretations uses the epithet "the son of the man" to explore not only early Christology but also the anthropology articulated in the gospels. He explores how Jesus' self-referential phrase came to be universalized as the "Human Being" or "Truly Human One".
A professor of biblical interpretations uses the epithet "the son of the man" to explore not only early Christology but also the anthropology articula...
In this small book, Wink shows that the Christian tradition of nonviolence is needed as an alternative to the dominant and death-dealing powers of our consumerist culture and fractured world.
In this small book, Wink shows that the Christian tradition of nonviolence is needed as an alternative to the dominant and death-dealing powers of our...
In recent years theologians and biblical scholars have begun to delve into the insights that come from the application of psychology to biblical texts. While these methods continue to be useful and popular, nowhere have the ???foundational??? texts in the field been collected.
Wayne Rollins and Andrew Kille, who have both published and taught widely in the area of psychological biblical criticism, have assembled an excellent guide for those interested in this fascinating topic. Included in this anthology are articles from across the landscape, spanning over...
Foreword by Walter Wink
In recent years theologians and biblical scholars have begun to delve into the insights that come from the application...