The Legend of Crawley Creek A strange fog transports two young brothers back in time to a mysterious world where time seems to stand still. This unfamiliar land has green skies and starless nights but, as Brian and Luke escape from ruthless cowboys, fight blood thirsty conquistadors, and battle prehistoric beasts, it s clear this is no paradise. The boys escape death time after time, but their luck is running out. And their only hope of getting home rests with a man from the future with whom they have an unusual connection. Filled with adventure, mystery and twist after turning twist, The...
The Legend of Crawley Creek A strange fog transports two young brothers back in time to a mysterious world where time seems to stand still. This unfam...
The scope of interest and reflection on virtue and the virtues is as wide and deep as the questions we can ask about what makes a moral agent's life decent, or noble, or holy rather than cruel, or base, or sinful; or about the conditions of human character and circumstance that make for good relations between family members, friends, workers, fellow citizens, and strangers, and the sorts of conditions that do not. Clearly these questions will inevitably be directed to more finely grained features of everyday life in particular contexts. Virtue and the Moral Life: Theological and Philosophical...
The scope of interest and reflection on virtue and the virtues is as wide and deep as the questions we can ask about what makes a moral agent's life d...