"There's only one Larry Wilson . . . number one when it comes to the art of selling." --Warren Bennis, University Professor and Distinguished Professor of Business Administration University of Southern California
"Stop Selling, Start Partnering will help you take a fresh look at your selling activities whether you are in the boardroom, face to face with customers, or anywhere in between."--Harvey Mackay, Author of Swim with the Sharks
"Regardless of your position within the company, your task in the second half of these unforgiving '90s will be to help your company...
"There's only one Larry Wilson . . . number one when it comes to the art of selling." --Warren Bennis, University Professor and Distinguished Professo...
Sales pros know that we are in the midst of one of the most turbulent and competitive periods in the history of selling. There are more players in the game, and the game is far mole complex. Customers want innovation. They want custom-made solutions to their problems, and they want them now. The risks are greater, but so are the opportunities and rewards. The top salespeople--the people Larry Wilson quotes and profiles in this book--know this. They've changed the game of selling, and they have become very successful doing it. They know they have to be leaders within their own...
Sales pros know that we are in the midst of one of the most turbulent and competitive periods in the history of selling. There are more players in the...