Cold formed structural members are being used more widely in routine structural design as the world steel industry moves from the production of hot-rolled section and plate to coil and strip, often with galvanised and/or painted coatings. Steel in this form is more easily delivered from the steel mill to the manufacturing plant where it is usually cold-rolled into open and closed section members.
This book not only summarises the research performed to date on cold form tubluar members and connections but also compares design rules in various standards and provides practical design...
Cold formed structural members are being used more widely in routine structural design as the world steel industry moves from the production of hot-ro...
Imre Kert?sz's savagely lyrical and suspenseful new novel traces the continuing echoes the Holocaust and communism in the consciousness of contemporary Eastern Europe.
Ten years after the fall of communism, a writer named B. commits suicide, devastating his circle and deeply puzzling his friend Kingsbitter. For among B.'s effects, Kingsbitter finds a play that eerily predicts events after his death. Why did B.-who was born at Auschwitz and miraculously survived-take his life? As Kingsbitter searches for the answer -and for the novel he is convinced lies hidden among his friend's...
Imre Kert?sz's savagely lyrical and suspenseful new novel traces the continuing echoes the Holocaust and communism in the consciousness of contemporar...
From Nobel Laureate Imre Kertesz comes this riveting novel about a torturer for the secret police of a Latin American regime who tells the haunting story of the father and son he ensnared and destroyed.
Now in prison, Antonio Martens is a torturer for a recently defunct dictatorship. He requests and is given writing materials in his cell, using them to narrate his involvement in the torture and assassination of a wealthy and prominent man and his son whose principled but passive opposition to the regime left them vulnerable to the secret police. Inside Martens's mind, we inhabit the...
From Nobel Laureate Imre Kertesz comes this riveting novel about a torturer for the secret police of a Latin American regime who tells the haunting st...
Unique in Hungarian literature, at the time of its first appearance in 1935, Towards the One & Only Metaphor was greeted with plaudits by such leading Hungarian critics as Laszlo Nemeth, Andras Hevesi, and Gabor Halasz, with Nemeth declaring: "Szentkuthy's invention has the merit that he pries writing open in an entirely original manner. . . Where everything was wobbling the writer either joins the earth-shaping forces, or else he sets up his culture-building laboratory over all oscillations. Seated in his cogitarium, even in spite of himself, Szentkuthy is brother to the bellicose on earth...
Unique in Hungarian literature, at the time of its first appearance in 1935, Towards the One & Only Metaphor was greeted with plaudits by such leading...
Over the years I have come to regard attending concerts as highlights of my life; chances to witness first hand the wonder created by what I consider to be some of the greatest contemporary musical talents at full power on stage. I am sure that most everyone who has attended a great concert has a least a few memories of it; their own Concert Footage. This book is my account of over 200 of these events beginning in 1970 and spanning forty years. Luminaries in the world of rock and jazz that it has been my extreme good fortune to see perform live are Yes, Pink Floyd, The Who, The Moody Blues,...
Over the years I have come to regard attending concerts as highlights of my life; chances to witness first hand the wonder created by what I consider ...
Marginalia on Casanova, the first volume of the St. Orpheus Breviary, is Miklos Szentkuthys synthesis of 2,000 years of European culture. St. Orpheus is Szentkuthys Virgil, an omniscient, poet who guides us not through hell, but through all of recorded history, myth, religion, and literature, albeit reimagined as St. Orpheus metamorphosizes himself into kings, popes, saints, tyrants, and artists. At once pagan and Christian, Greek and Hebrew, Asian and European, St. Orpheus is a mosaic of history and mankind in one supra-person and veil, an endless series of masks and personae, humanity in...
Marginalia on Casanova, the first volume of the St. Orpheus Breviary, is Miklos Szentkuthys synthesis of 2,000 years of European culture. St. Orpheus ...
Considered an eerie attack on realism, when first published in 1934, Miklos Szentkuthy's debut novel Prae so astonished Hungarian critics that many deemed it monstrous, derogatorily referred to Szentkuthy as cosmopolitan, and classified him alien to Hungarian culture. Incomparable and unprecedented in Hungarian literature, Prae compels recognition as a serious contribution to modernist fiction, as ambitious in its aspirations as Ulysses or A la recherche du temps perdu. With no traditional narration and no psychologically motivated characters, in playing with voices, temporality, and events,...
Considered an eerie attack on realism, when first published in 1934, Miklos Szentkuthy's debut novel Prae so astonished Hungarian critics that many de...