Phallic worship has been practiced by many varied and widespread cultures throughout the world for thousands of years. The male phallic was recognized as the bringer of life and the progenitor of the human race. As with many ancient cultures, a more complete understanding of the phenomena of sexual intercourse was to remain a mystery and, even by today's standards, some of those mysteries remain.
It is evident that the belief of the reciprocal principles of nature, male and female, light and dark, active and passive; was known in most of the primitive religious systems of both the old and...
Phallic worship has been practiced by many varied and widespread cultures throughout the world for thousands of years. The male phallic was recognized...
Max Muller was one of the most respected religious authorities of his time. His accomplishments include translating The Upanishads and editing a massive collection of work called The Sacred Books of the East.
Some of the most valuable and instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India, and in India only. In her classic dialect, the Sanskrit, we may read with what success ancient India conquered the elements and the world as it was then known.
The study of Sanskrit, and particularly a study of the Vedic Sanskrit, is able to enlighten us and illuminate the darkest...
Max Muller was one of the most respected religious authorities of his time. His accomplishments include translating The Upanishads and editing a massi...