For centuries, pipe organs stood at the summit of musical and technological achievement, admired as the most complex and intricate mechanisms the human race had yet devised. In All The Stops, New York Times journalist Craig Whitney journeys through the history of the American pipe organ and brings to life the curious characters who have devoted their lives to its music.
From the mid-19th to the mid-20th century, organ music was wildly popular in America. Organ builders in New York and New England could hardly fill the huge demand for both concert hall and home organs. Master...
For centuries, pipe organs stood at the summit of musical and technological achievement, admired as the most complex and intricate mechanisms the huma...
Presents excerpts from the official reports of investigations into the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, examining the failures in leadership that led to the abuse, the extent of the crimes, and the consequences for the U.S. military.
Presents excerpts from the official reports of investigations into the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, examining the failures in leadership that led...
Includes the definitive report from the Presidential Commission on Weapons of Mass Destruction Intelligence and the most revealing official investigations and statements that answer the question of how the United States could go to war on false premises.
Includes the definitive report from the Presidential Commission on Weapons of Mass Destruction Intelligence and the most revealing official investigat...