When The Concept of Nature by Alfred North Whitehead was first published in 1920 it was declared to be one of the most important works on the relation between philosophy and science for many years, and several generations later it continues to deserve careful attention. Whitehead explores the fundamental problems of substance, space and time, and offers a criticism of Einstein's method of interpreting results while developing his own well-known theory of the four-dimensional 'space-time manifold'. With a specially commissioned new preface written by Michael Hampe, this book is presented in a...
When The Concept of Nature by Alfred North Whitehead was first published in 1920 it was declared to be one of the most important works on the relation...
Die aus einer Vorlesung hervorgegangene programmatische Schrift Whiteheads Kulturelle Symbolisierung entstand noch vor seinem Hauptwerk Prozess und Realität und ist eine Ausarbeitung seiner kulturphilosophischen Positionen zur Bedeutung der Symbolisierung.
Die aus einer Vorlesung hervorgegangene programmatische Schrift Whiteheads Kulturelle Symbolisierung entstand noch vor seinem Hauptwerk Prozess und Re...