Charles Wesley is widely recognized as one of the greatest writers of the English hymn. Wesley is a figure of central importance in the context of the birth and early growth of Methodism. It was Wesley who first started the Oxford Holy Club from which the ethos and structures of organized Methodism were eventually to emerge. Wesley sought to spread, mainly through his preaching, the evangelical message across England, Wales, and Ireland. Eye witness testimony suggests that he was a powerful and effective preacher whose homiletic work and skill did much to establish and further the early...
Charles Wesley is widely recognized as one of the greatest writers of the English hymn. Wesley is a figure of central importance in the context of the...
The first critical and complete edition of Charles Wesley's manuscript journal in two volumes.
While remaining firmly committed to the Church of England, Charles Wesley shared in the founding of Methodism, a religious movement that has had far-reaching social and religious influence worldwide. These volumes of Charles Wesley's manuscript journal is the first complete edition. Included are all transcribed shorthand passages, words that Charles underlined, other forms of emphasis or peculiarities in Charles's script, word that Charles struck out. Any uncertain reading or...
The first critical and complete edition of Charles Wesley's manuscript journal in two volumes.
The first critical and complete edition of Charles Wesley's manuscript journal in two volumes. While remaining firmly committed to the Church of England, Charles Wesley shared in the founding of Methodism, a religious movement that has had far-reaching social and religious influence worldwide. These volumes of Charles Wesley's manuscript journal is the first complete edition. Included are all transcribed shorthand passages, words that Charles underlined, other forms of emphasis or peculiarities in Charles's script, word that Charles struck out. Any uncertain reading or transcription...
The first critical and complete edition of Charles Wesley's manuscript journal in two volumes. While remaining firmly committed to the Church ...
Wesley, John; Wesley, Charles; Hills, Aaron Merritt
Tauchen Sie ein in die Sehnsucht unserer Glaubensväter nach der Berührung Gottes, die das gesamte Sein verwandelt, nach göttlicher Liebe, Freiheit, Reinheit und Heiligkeit durch das Blut Jesu Christi.
Tauchen Sie ein in die Sehnsucht unserer Glaubensväter nach der Berührung Gottes, die das gesamte Sein verwandelt, nach göttlicher Liebe, Freiheit,...