The period 1985-1995 saw a new wave of interest, in philosophical and theoretical circles, in the writings of Walter Benjamin, associate of the early Frankfurt School and among the most innovative and uncategorizable of German modernist thinkers. It is against the horizon of the contemporary theoretical scene, combining impulses from post-structuralism, feminism, cultural anthropology, and psychoanalysis, that Sigrid Weigel, one of Germany's leading Benjamin experts, undertakes her re-reading of his work. The subject of this sequence of eleven essays, assembled here for the first time in...
The period 1985-1995 saw a new wave of interest, in philosophical and theoretical circles, in the writings of Walter Benjamin, associate of the early ...
The period 1985-1995 saw a new wave of interest, in philosophical and theoretical circles, in the writings of Walter Benjamin, associate of the early Frankfurt School and among the most innovative and uncategorizable of German modernist thinkers. It is against the horizon of the contemporary theoretical scene, combining impulses from post-structuralism, feminism, cultural anthropology, and psychoanalysis, that Sigrid Weigel, one of Germany's leading Benjamin experts, undertakes her re-reading of his work. The subject of this sequence of eleven essays, assembled here for the first time in...
The period 1985-1995 saw a new wave of interest, in philosophical and theoretical circles, in the writings of Walter Benjamin, associate of the early ...
Aby Warburg, passionierter Bilderforscher und Begründer der Ikonologie als eigenständiger Disziplin, war für seinen Zeitgenossen Walter Benjamin ganz der grandseigneurale Gelehrte . Heute gibt es kaum ein Feld der Kunstwissenschaften, das durch ihn nicht maßgeblich geprägt wäre, und kaum eine kulturwissenschaftliche Debatte, die nicht entscheidende Impulse aus seinen Schriften erhielte.§Warburg überschreitet disziplinäre Grenzen und entwickelt ein besonderes Interesse an Figuren des Übergangs, der Inversion und Konversion, die er als Seismographen der eigenen Epoche nutzt. Wenn das...
Aby Warburg, passionierter Bilderforscher und Begründer der Ikonologie als eigenständiger Disziplin, war für seinen Zeitgenossen Walter Benjamin ga...
This book digs into the complex archaeology of empathy illuminating controversies, epistemic problems and unanswered questions encapsulated within its cross-disciplinary history. The authors ask how a neutral innate capacity to directly understand the actions and feelings of others becomes charged with emotion and moral values associated with altruism or caregiving. They explore how the discovery of the mirror neuron system and its interpretation as the neurobiological basis of empathy has stimulated such an enormous body of research and how in a number of these studies, the moral values...
This book digs into the complex archaeology of empathy illuminating controversies, epistemic problems and unanswered questions encapsulated within its...
After 1933, New York City gave shelter to many leading German and German-Jewish intellectuals. This compendium, adopting the title of a volume published by Klaus and Erika Mann in 1939, explores the impact the US, and NYC in particular, had on these authors as well as the influence they in turn exerted on US intellectual life. Moreover, it addresses the transformations that took place in the exiled intellectuals thinking when it was translated intoEnglish and addressed to an American audience. Among the individuals presented in this volume, are such prominent names as T.W. Adorno, H....
After 1933, New York City gave shelter to many leading German and German-Jewish intellectuals. This compendium, adopting the title of a volume publ...
Arguing that the importance of painting and other visual art for Benjamin's epistemology has yet to be appreciated, Weigel undertakes the first systematic analysis of their significance to his thought. She does so by exploring Benjamin's dialectics of secularization, an approach that allows Benjamin to explore the simultaneous distance from and orientation towards revelation and to deal with the difference and tensions between religious and profane ideas. In the process, Weigel identifies the double reference of 'life' to both nature and to a 'supernatural' sphere as a guiding concept of...
Arguing that the importance of painting and other visual art for Benjamin's epistemology has yet to be appreciated, Weigel undertakes the first sys...
This compendium explores the impact the US, and NYC in particular, had on exiled German and German-Jewish intellectuals after 1933. It addresses the transformations that took place in the exiled intellectuals thinking when it was translated into English and addressed to an American audience.
This compendium explores the impact the US, and NYC in particular, had on exiled German and German-Jewish intellectuals after 1933. It addresses th...
In den Beitragen dieses Bandes wird ein unter historisch-politischen und kultur- und literaturgeschichtlichen Aspekten bedeutsamer Zeitraum neu ausgeleuchtet. Das Scheitern der Revolution 1848/49 zwang zu vielen Formen der Reaktion und Bewaltigung: zum Abschworen alter Ideale und zur Suche nach "realitatstuchtigen" Programmen, zum beharrlichen Verfolgen der Emanzipation sowie zur Transponierung revolutionarer Impulse in die Kunst und Literatur. Die ubergreifende Leitthese lautet: Die Verarbeitung der gescheiterten Revolution gehort zum Ursprung der asthetischen Moderne und des modernen...
In den Beitragen dieses Bandes wird ein unter historisch-politischen und kultur- und literaturgeschichtlichen Aspekten bedeutsamer Zeitraum neu ausgel...
Das Buch der bekannten Literaturwissenschaftlerin untersucht die Formen des Bildertausches zwischen Wissenschaft, Religion, Kunst und Literatur. Jenseits der Kontroverse zwischen pictorial und linguistic turngeht es um das Wissen der Bilder an der Grenze zwischen Messen und Deuten: an der Schwelle zwischen Spur und Zeichen, Imaginärem und Sichtbarem, Material und Figur, Schauplatz und Erzählung, Daten und Graphik/Begriff. Momente des In-Erscheinung-Tretens stehen im Zentrum: von Bildern im Denken, von Affekten im Gesicht, von Transzenz in Gemälden oder in der Dichtung.§§Ausgeh von der...
Das Buch der bekannten Literaturwissenschaftlerin untersucht die Formen des Bildertausches zwischen Wissenschaft, Religion, Kunst und Literatur. Jense...
Sigrid Weigel Christine Kirchhoff Gerhard Scharbert
Overall, the book argues that if the different methodological approaches of psychoanalysis and neuroscience are acknowledged not only for their individual uniqueness but also as a dialectic, then the resulting epistemological and methodological dialogue might open up a fascinating body of neuropsychoanalytical knowledge.
Overall, the book argues that if the different methodological approaches of psychoanalysis and neuroscience are acknowledged not only for their indivi...