The traditional way of doing theology among evangelicals--setting forth a rigid theological system and then vigorously defending it as revealed truth--has tended to emphasize points of disagreement among Christians rather than the beliefs we all hold in common. This book is a welcome departure. What Christians Believe offers a general theology that will serve all groups of evangelical Christians. It focuses on the unity of the various confessions while affirming diversity in matters of secondary importance. What Christians Believe takes the approach of contextualized theology--that is, it...
The traditional way of doing theology among evangelicals--setting forth a rigid theological system and then vigorously defending it as revealed tru...
This book is a companion to Webber's "Journey to Jesus" seminars, held in over 100 American cities from 2000-2003.
The "seeker" model of worship presupposes a split between what goes on during the worship service and how the church evangelizes its members into full discipleship in Jesus Christ. The basic idea is to draw the unchurched in through lively, uplifting services, and then move them into small group ministries that will lead them to a deeper understanding of the Christian life. While this model works well in some, mostly "start-up" congregations, it has been a dismal...
This book is a companion to Webber's "Journey to Jesus" seminars, held in over 100 American cities from 2000-2003.
One of the most popular current views on spirituality is that there are varied paths to God. In this new Ancient-Future series book, Bob Webber evaluates this common misunderstanding of spirituality as separated from God's story, extremely self-focused, and shaped by our surrounding culture. This challenging work offers a corrective, calling us to an alternative Christian spirituality, one that reveals two sides-that of God's -divine embrace- of us and our passionate response. The Divine Embrace is a fresh, grounded look at true spirituality that will be embraced by pastors, thinking...
One of the most popular current views on spirituality is that there are varied paths to God. In this new Ancient-Future series book, Bob Webber evalua...
Following his well-received Ancient-Future Faith, Robert Webber presents a new model for evangelism and discipleship, the first in a series of four books applying his theoretical ideas to practical situations. Part 1 of Ancient-Future Evangelism surveys evangelism and Christian formation throughout the church and then translates the process for twenty-first-century Christians. Webber presents evangelism as four distinct stages and suggests three accompanying rites of passage that can be easily adapted to any church tradition. Part 2 underscores how the four-fold process of...
Following his well-received Ancient-Future Faith, Robert Webber presents a new model for evangelism and discipleship, the first in a series of four bo...
Millions of Christians worldwide follow the liturgical Christian calendar in their worship services and in their own personal devotions. The seasons of the Christian year connect believers of diverse backgrounds and offer the sense of unity Jesus desired.
Robert Webber believes that we can get even more out of the Christian calendar. He contends that through its rich theological meanings the Christian year can become a cycle for evangelism and spiritual formation. He offers pastors, church leaders, and those of the "younger evangelical" mind-set practical steps to help achieve this end,...
Millions of Christians worldwide follow the liturgical Christian calendar in their worship services and in their own personal devotions. The seasons o...
Worship. It isn't an entertaining showcase for a talented soprano or a lecture on textual criticism or a pleasant weekly reunion of friends and family. Instead, true worship is a joyous celebration of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And as we actively turn our hearts toward God in earnest praise of God's great works, God in turn speaks to us and blesses us with a healing and renewing touch.
In this life-changing and dynamic book, Robert Webber declares that worship is not "something done to us or for us, but by us." It is the most exhaustive demonstration of our faith...
Worship. It isn't an entertaining showcase for a talented soprano or a lecture on textual criticism or a pleasant weekly reunion of friends and fam...
Christianity in America will not survive in our age unless it is fully rooted in the Gospel. Convinced that American evangelicals are facing the demise of their entire way of life and faith, the late Robert Webber challenges his readers to rise up and engage both the external and internal challenges confronting the church today.
Christianity in America will not survive in our age unless it is fully rooted in the Gospel. Convinced that American evangelicals are facing the demis...