Dieser Sammelband mit Aufsätzen, Erzählungen, Erinnerungsbildern, Prosa-Etüden und feuilletonistischen Skizzen, entstanden während Robert Walsers Berliner Jahren, wurde 1912 vom Autor selbst zusammengestellt.
Dieser Sammelband mit Aufsätzen, Erzählungen, Erinnerungsbildern, Prosa-Etüden und feuilletonistischen Skizzen, entstanden während Robert Walsers ...
Featuring more than seventy thought-provoking selections drawn from contemporary journalism, reviews, program notes, memoirs, interviews, and other sources, Keeping Time: Readings in Jazz History, Second Edition, brings to life the controversies and critical issues that have accompanied more than 100 years of jazz history. This unique volume gives voice to a wide range of perspectives which stress different reactions to and uses of jazz, both within and across communities, enabling readers to see that jazz is not just about names, dates, and chords, but rather about issues and ideas,...
Featuring more than seventy thought-provoking selections drawn from contemporary journalism, reviews, program notes, memoirs, interviews, and other so...
Fairy Tales gathers the unconventional verse dramolettes of the Swiss writer Robert Walser. Narrated in Walser's inimitable, playful language, these theatrical pieces overturn traditional notions of the fairy tale, transforming the Brothers Grimm into metatheater, even metareflections.
Snow White forgives the evil queen for trying to kill her, Cinderella doubts her prince and enjoys being hated by her evil stepsisters; the Fairy Tale itself is a character who encourages her to stay within the confines of the story. Sleeping Beauty, the royal family, and its retainers are not happy...
Fairy Tales gathers the unconventional verse dramolettes of the Swiss writer Robert Walser. Narrated in Walser's inimitable, playful language, thes...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, af...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...
Miniaturist per excellence, feinfühlig, wachsinning, und gleichzeitig humorig schafft Walser in einer völlig unpreziösen und absichtslosen Weise makellose Prosa-Kleinodien, von denen jedes einzelne die Rundung und Reinheit von Gedichten hat.
Einmalig als Erscheinung, gehört er in keine Gruppe, keine Kategorie, keine Gemeinschaft - ein Eigenbrötler sinnigster und seltsamster Art, der diese Eigenheit in jeder Zeile, jedem Satz, der er schreibt, unvergesslich zum Ausdruck bringt (Stefan Zweig)
Miniaturist per excellence, feinfühlig, wachsinning, und gleichzeitig humorig schafft Walser in einer völlig unpreziösen und absichtslosen Weise ma...