Right now, someone you know is in desperate need of your prayers. It's the person out on the front line, leading God's army into the world to proclaim His good news. Pastors, teachers, and all types of leaders are under severe attack from the enemy. And they're depending on the prayers of those who care to help see them through. You can help these leaders by reinforcing them through intercessory prayer.
In this book, Peter Wagner not only teaches the biblical basis for intercessory prayer, but also shares who is and who isn't an intercessor, why leaders themselves often don't pray...
Right now, someone you know is in desperate need of your prayers. It's the person out on the front line, leading God's army into the world to proclaim...
Nigeria, once a hopelessly beleaguered society, has risen from the ashes and is a spiritually revived nation. One of the main contributors to this book states: "It is safe to say that the Church and effectual prayers have kept our nation from complete anarchy and genocide. The impact of Christianity is evident wherever you go. If you look a little deeper, listen a little closer, you will see and hear the myriad changes that are subtlety transforming our nation into a nation that truly fears the Lord." The miraculous is evident in the church of Nigeria. Out of Africa offers the...
Nigeria, once a hopelessly beleaguered society, has risen from the ashes and is a spiritually revived nation. One of the main contributors to this boo...
Transformation of the city was the battle cry in the 1990s. How far have we come since then? How do apostles fit into the urban landscape? How do they line up with God's plans? C. Peter Wagner has been writing on these subjects for a number of years, and now he brings city transformation and the role of apostles together in one volume. This book is a call for apostles to assume their rightful sphere of authority to see God's will accomplished here on earth. Wagner relates his decades of experiences and those of others, showing the role of apostles not only in the traditional church, but also...
Transformation of the city was the battle cry in the 1990s. How far have we come since then? How do apostles fit into the urban landscape? How do they...
Experience Pentecost. Look on as 130 converts shake a city. Meet Paul. Go with him as he plants the first Gentile church. Extend the kingdom's power and see the enemy upset. Walk with Paul as he travels to Corinth, Antioch, Ephesus and beyond. For those desiring to be a part of God's action in their churches, their communities and throughout the world, there is nothing that will help more than thoroughly understanding the book of Acts and applying what we can learn from it. Acts was designed to be God's training manual for Christians. It worked in the early church, and it works in the...
Experience Pentecost. Look on as 130 converts shake a city. Meet Paul. Go with him as he plants the first Gentile church. Extend the kingdom's power a...