Increasingly the body is a possession that does not belong to us. It is bought and sold, bartered and stolen, marketed wholesale or in parts. The professions - especially reproductive medicine, transplant surgery, and bioethics but also journalism and other cultural specialists - have been pliant partners in this accelerating commodification of live and dead human organisms. Under the guise of healing or research, they have contributed to a new 'ethic of parts' for which the divisible body is severed from the self, torn from the social fabric, and thrust into commercial transactions -- as...
Increasingly the body is a possession that does not belong to us. It is bought and sold, bartered and stolen, marketed wholesale or in parts. The prof...
In this major new work, Pierre Bourdieu examines the distinctive forms of power--political, intellectual, bureaucratic, and economic--by means of which contemporary societies are governed. What kinds of competence are claimed by the bureaucrats and technocrats who govern us? And how do those who govern gain our recognition and acquiescence? Bourdieu examines in detail the work of consecration that is carried out by elite education systems--in France by the grande ecoles, in the United States by the Ivy League schools, and in England by Oxford and Cambridge. Today, this "state nobility"...
In this major new work, Pierre Bourdieu examines the distinctive forms of power--political, intellectual, bureaucratic, and economic--by means of whic...
Pierre Bourdieu Lauretta C. Clough Loic J. D. Wacquant
Examining in detail the work of consecration carried out by elite education systems, Bourdieu analyzes the distinctive forms of power-political, intellectual, bureaucratic, and economic-by means of which contemporary societies are governed.
Examining in detail the work of consecration carried out by elite education systems, Bourdieu analyzes the distinctive forms of power-political, intel...
Pierre Bourdieus Werk stellt fr die etablierten Denkweisen der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften nach wie vor eine Herausforderung dar. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt im kritischen Dialog mit Bourdieu den Versuch einer Rekonstruktion seiner Erkenntnis-, Praxis- und Gesellschaftstheorie, legt die Grundlagen seiner allgemeinen Anthropologie frei, an deren Entwicklung er seit Beginn seiner wissenschaftlichen Karriere arbeitete, und gewhrt Einblick in Bourdieus Werkstatt - in seinen Denk- und Forschungsstil, bei dem die Selbstreflexion ein zentrales und unabdingbares Medium der Forschungspraxis...
Pierre Bourdieus Werk stellt fr die etablierten Denkweisen der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften nach wie vor eine Herausforderung dar. Der vorliegend...
Die in diesem Buch versammelten Essays gelten dem Zusammenhang von sozialer und ethnischer Ausgrenzung und staatlicher Politik in den Metropolen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Wacquants eindringliche Texte gehoren zum Besten, was die kritische Stadtforschung zu bieten hat.
Die in diesem Buch versammelten Essays gelten dem Zusammenhang von sozialer und ethnischer Ausgrenzung und staatlicher Politik in den Metropolen zu...