Interest in the practice of spiritual direction has grown in recent years. With the increased number of people seeking direction have come a number of new issues confronting spiritual directors.
This volume of essays by seasoned spiritual directors from a variety of faith traditions addresses issues of concern to directors today such as direction with: abused persons, the poor, church drop-outs, and gays and lesbians. Other essays look at spiritual direction in new contexts, such as the congregational setting, the corporate arena, spiritual direction and generational issues, and...
Interest in the practice of spiritual direction has grown in recent years. With the increased number of people seeking direction have come a number of...
"God is mystery," writes Norvene Vest in the Introduction to Tending the Holy, "and every form of religion is an effort to respond faithfully to the mystery of God by whatever name. The Divine breaks through into human experience in many ways, and humans respond variously to the awesome experience of God." And those various responses are what the contributors to Tending the Holy document.
In this provocative and cutting-edge collection readers are given the opportunity to see what spiritual direction looks like--and what questions are asked--through a variety of lenses. From...
"God is mystery," writes Norvene Vest in the Introduction to Tending the Holy, "and every form of religion is an effort to respond faithfully to th...
The Rule of St. Benedict continues to attract those who seek to live a deeper life, connected to Christ. But with such an ancient text, how can we authentically engage St. Benedict's Rule in a manner that is true to its profound insights--and to our own spiritual journey? Norvene Vest suggests that the answer lies in the way we read the Rule. "It shouldn't be studied like a book of regulations, or a school textbook. It should be read as lectio divina."
This profound yet very practical volume speaks to our urgent spiritual need. People yearn for an interior life deeply rooted in God,...
The Rule of St. Benedict continues to attract those who seek to live a deeper life, connected to Christ. But with such an ancient text, how can we ...
In No Moment Too Small, Vest focuses on three of the foundations of the Benedictine way: silence, the exploration of Scripture and other spiritual writings (lectio divina), and the hours of prayer. These essentials of Benedict's sixth-century rule of life offer a practical framework for spiritual growth in our own day, a path to God through the events and people of ordinary lives. In her discussion of lectio-on-life, for example, Vest provides insight on the reading of our lives as the "text" in which we find God's Word written in the ordinary events of daily life. Exercises for individuals...
In No Moment Too Small, Vest focuses on three of the foundations of the Benedictine way: silence, the exploration of Scripture and other spiritual wri...
In this second book in her series on Benedictine spirituality, Norvene Vest brings the insights of Benedict s Rule to the world of work. A gifted interpreter of Benedict s wisdom, Vest examines with empathy and clarity the plight of men and women who wish for their work to be life-giving, a service to others, and the place where they can experience the presence of God. Vest brings Benedict s perspective to three areas of work discontent today: the stress of performance, overproduction, and acquisitiveness. To these she opposes three Benedictine principles: vocation, or being called to what we...
In this second book in her series on Benedictine spirituality, Norvene Vest brings the insights of Benedict s Rule to the world of work. A gifted inte...
In Desiring Life, Norvene Vest brings the insights of Benedict s Rule to the wisdom tradition. Desiring Life is the third book in her series on Benedictine spirituality for people living in the world today. Vest asks questions of pressing concern today, such as: What is the good life we seek? How can we learn to live with integrity and compassion, despite the growing gap between public ethics and narrow self-interest? How can we live fully and well? What sort of people should we as Christians try to be? In sections on wisdom, virtue, and ethics Vest describes these contemporary questions and...
In Desiring Life, Norvene Vest brings the insights of Benedict s Rule to the wisdom tradition. Desiring Life is the third book in her series on Benedi...
For those outside the cloister Norvene Vest sets the elements of the Rule 'regular prayer and prayerful attention to work 'within the silence which enables us to listen to, reflect on, and respond to God's cal.
For those outside the cloister Norvene Vest sets the elements of the Rule 'regular prayer and prayerful attention to work 'within the silence which...