An accessible yet thorough look at how historians and social scientists have thought and written about the history of the present-day European Union, and the main themes of their research and debates. Essential reading for historians of Europe and social scientists of the European Union alike.
An accessible yet thorough look at how historians and social scientists have thought and written about the history of the present-day European Union, ...
Le processus d integration europeenne a ete interconnecte avec science et technologie seulement apparemment au cours de la derniere decennie. Au contraire, des les annees 1950 les Etats membres de la CEE et ses potentiels candidats ont ete engages dans differents projets et tentatives de cooperation dans les secteurs de la science et la technologie. Les gouvernements nationaux non seulement choisirent la voie intergouvernementale, mais ils essayerent de profiter du cadre communautaire. Ces tentatives ont produit d autres projets debattus au niveau de la CEE sur la standardisation de l...
Le processus d integration europeenne a ete interconnecte avec science et technologie seulement apparemment au cours de la derniere decennie. Au contr...
For some time now studies on European post-war history have regarded the 1970s as a period of crisis and uncertainty. Recently historians of both the Cold War and European integration have started to reassess the 1970s, but we still lack a comprehensive analysis of the period. Such an analysis was the main goal of a research project launched by a group of Italian scholars with the collaboration of foreign colleagues. The present volume is the outcome of the most significant results of the project, all based on extensive archival investigations. It offers significant new contributions on a...
For some time now studies on European post-war history have regarded the 1970s as a period of crisis and uncertainty. Recently historians of both the ...
Depuis les annees 1920 s esquisse en Europe une nouvelle maniere de travailler ensemble, fondee sur la pratique de l interministerialite; on observe egalement, a l echelle de la Petite Europe, l emergence d un nouveau type de relations entre les administrations nationales et le systeme communautaire. Pour la premiere fois, des historiens analysent la capacite d adaptation des administrations des Etats fondateurs de l Union europeenne a la construction europeenne. Nature de l union a batir, dynamique generee par les processus d association ou d adhesion a la Communaute, analyse lucide...
Depuis les annees 1920 s esquisse en Europe une nouvelle maniere de travailler ensemble, fondee sur la pratique de l interministerialite; on observe e...
The book, which is the outcome of an international conference held under the auspices of the University of Florence, aims at sketching out, through the contributions by distinguished scholars from various nationalities, the origins and characteristics of the system which has been imposed on Europe between the end of the Second World War and the mid-1950s, as well as at analysing the most important consequences of the events which, from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the 'end of the cold war', have radically transformed the European scene.
The book, which is the outcome of an international conference held under the auspices of the University of Florence, aims at sketching out, through th...