An elegant, witty, frank, touching, and deeply personal account of the loves both great and fleeting in the life of one of America's most celebrated and fabled women.
Born to great wealth yet kept a virtual prisoner by the custody battle that raged between her proper aunt and her self-absorbed, beautiful mother, Gloria Vanderbilt grew up in a special world. Stunningly beautiful herself, yet insecure and with a touch of wildness, she set out at a very early age to find romance. And find it she did. There were love affairs with Howard Hughes, Bill Paley, and Frank Sinatra, to name a few,...
An elegant, witty, frank, touching, and deeply personal account of the loves both great and fleeting in the life of one of America's most celebrated a...
Der Vater stirbt an Alkoholvergiftung, als Gloria 15 Monate alt ist, und vererbt ihr das millionenschwere Familienvermgen. Nach einem spektakulren Sorgerechtsprozess wchst sie bei der strengen Tante, Grnderin des Whitney-Museums, in New York auf, da die Mutter ein lesbisches Verhltnis mit einem Mitglied der englischen Royals hat. Mit siebzehn fliegt sie nach Hollywood, lsst sich von Filmproduzent und Flugpionier Howard Hughes die Welt zeigen, heiratet erst einen gewaltttigen Hollywood- Agenten und dann den 42 Jahre lteren Stardirigenten Leopold Stokowski, beginnt ihre Karriere als Malerin....
Der Vater stirbt an Alkoholvergiftung, als Gloria 15 Monate alt ist, und vererbt ihr das millionenschwere Familienvermgen. Nach einem spektakulren Sor...
A touching and intimate correspondence between Anderson Cooper and his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, offering timeless wisdom and a revealing glimpse into their lives
Though Anderson Cooper has always considered himself close to his mother, his intensely busy career as a journalist for CNN and CBS affords him little time to spend with her. After she suffers a brief but serious illness at the age of ninety-one, they resolve to change their relationship by beginning a year-long conversation unlike any they had ever had before. The result is a correspondence of surprising...
A touching and intimate correspondence between Anderson Cooper and his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, offering timeless wisdom and a revealing ...
A charming and intimate collection of correspondence between #1 New York Times bestselling author Anderson Cooper and his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, that offers timeless wisdom and a revealing glimpse into their lives.
Anderson Cooper's intensely busy career as a journalist for CNN and CBS' 60 Minutes affords him little time to spend with his ninety-one year old mother. After she briefly fell ill, he and Gloria began a conversation through e-mail unlike any they had ever had before--a correspondence of surprising honesty and depth in which they discussed their...
A charming and intimate collection of correspondence between #1 New York Times bestselling author Anderson Cooper and his mother, Gloria V...