The series is a platform for contributions of all kinds to this rapidly developing field. General problems are studied from the perspective of individual languages, language families, language groups, or language samples. Conclusions are the result of a deepened study of empirical data. Special emphasis is given to little-known languages, whose analysis may shed new light on long-standing problems in general linguistics.
The series is a platform for contributions of all kinds to this rapidly developing field. General problems are studied from the perspective of individ...
Ce volume regroupe dix tudes sur les verbes modaux, en franais, en anglais ou en latin, qui ont t prsentes lors du colloque Les verbes modaux dans les langues germaniques et romanes, organis l'universit d'Anvers (UFSIA) en dcembre 1998. Il commence par une tude gnrale sur la typologie des catgories modales et la conception de la modalit par B. Pottier (A. Ouattara), runit ensuite cinq tudes sur les verbes devoir (H. Kronning et J.-P. Descls & Z. Guentchva) et pouvoir (N. Le Querler, B. Defancq et Ch. Marque-Pucheu) et une tude, plus gnrale, consacre l'expression de la possibilit pistmique en...
Ce volume regroupe dix tudes sur les verbes modaux, en franais, en anglais ou en latin, qui ont t prsentes lors du colloque Les verbes modaux dans les...
This book is a collection of linguistic and philosophical papers dealing with the semantic problems of determiners. The language under investigation is mostly English, although a few papers deal with French and German, and, to a lesser extent, with Dutch, Polish, Russian and Hebrew. The majority of the contributions focus on the semantics of the definite and indefinite articles, leading into discussions of anaphoricness, specificness, opacity and transparency, referentiality and attributiveness and genericness. The relation of the determiners to other parts of grammar, in particular...
This book is a collection of linguistic and philosophical papers dealing with the semantic problems of determiners. The language under investigatio...
This handbook offers an in depth and comprehensive state of the art survey of the linguistic domains of modality and mood. An international team of experts in the field examine the full range of methodological and theoretical approaches to the many facets of the phenomena involved. Following an opening section that provides an introduction and historical background to the topic, the volume is divided into five parts. Parts 1 and 2 present the basic linguistic facts about the systems of modality and mood in the languages of the world, covering the semantics and the expression of different...
This handbook offers an in depth and comprehensive state of the art survey of the linguistic domains of modality and mood. An international team of ex...
This book is a collection of linguistic and philosophical papers dealing with the semantic problems of determiners. The language under investigation is mostly English, although a few papers deal with French and German, and, to a lesser extent, with Dutch, Polish, Russian and Hebrew. The majority of the contributions focus on the semantics of the definite and indefinite articles, leading into discussions of anaphoricness, specificness, opacity and transparency, referentiality and attributiveness and genericness. The relation of the determiners to other parts of grammar, in particular...
This book is a collection of linguistic and philosophical papers dealing with the semantic problems of determiners. The language under investigatio...