A stunning, evocative novel set in Ireland and Canada, Away traces a family's complex and layered past. The narrative unfolds with shimmering clarity, and takes us from the harsh northern Irish coast in the 1840s to the quarantine stations at Grosse Isle and the barely hospitable land of the Canadian Shield; from the flourishing town of Port Hope to the flooded streets of Montreal; from Ottawa at the time of Confederation to a large-windowed house at the edge of a Great Lake during the present day. Graceful and moving, Away unites the personal and the political as it explores...
A stunning, evocative novel set in Ireland and Canada, Away traces a family's complex and layered past. The narrative unfolds with shimmering c...
A major bestseller in Canada, "The Stone Carvers" is set against the backdrop of World War II, bringing together history and art in a story both intimate and worldly.
A major bestseller in Canada, "The Stone Carvers" is set against the backdrop of World War II, bringing together history and art in a story both intim...
In Rochester, New York, a seventy-five-year-old artist, Austin Fraser, is creating a new series of paintings recalling the details of his life and of the lives of those individuals who have affected him--his peculiar mother, a young Canadian soldier and china painter, a First World War nurse, the well-known American painter Rockwell Kent, and Sara, a waitress from the wilderness mining settlement of Silver Islet, Ontario, who became Austin's model and mistress. Spanning more than seven decades, from the turn of the century to the mid-seventies, The Underpainter--in range, in the sheer...
In Rochester, New York, a seventy-five-year-old artist, Austin Fraser, is creating a new series of paintings recalling the details of his life and of ...
From one of Canada's bestselling authors comes a stunning new novel of unusual emotional depth and compassion. Jane Urquhart's richest, most rewarding novel to date.
Tam, an Englishwoman who served in World War II as an auxiliary pilot, was living on the remote, westerly shores of Ireland. But she's decided to leave her lover, the meteorologist Niall, for New York City. During the journey, the airliner she is traveling on becomes grounded by heavy fog at Gander Airport in Newfoundland. Waiting for the fog to clear, she notices an enigmatic mural that moves her to revisit not only the...
From one of Canada's bestselling authors comes a stunning new novel of unusual emotional depth and compassion. Jane Urquhart's richest, most reward...