Antique deck of 52 cards with miniature cards in the upper left corners and descriptive pictures with meanings on the remaining portions of the cards. Also suitable as a regular deck of playing cards.
Antique deck of 52 cards with miniature cards in the upper left corners and descriptive pictures with meanings on the remaining portions of the cards....
You've played other trump games, but none quite like this. Wizard is exciting, easy to learn and fun for the entire family. This award-winning game is great for parties or a night of family fun.
Wizard is Hearts and Whist with a twist: Wizards beat all the cards! It's the "ultimate trump game", and a great deal of fun for the whole family. Deck is comprised of 60 cards.
You've played other trump games, but none quite like this. Wizard is exciting, easy to learn and fun for the entire family. This award-winning game is...
Reproduction of a Civil War era poker deck of 55 cards with full-length, single-ended court figures. Box reproduced with original tax stamps showing hand cancellation on June 2, 1864.
Reproduction of a Civil War era poker deck of 55 cards with full-length, single-ended court figures. Box reproduced with original tax stamps showing h...
You've played other trump games, but none quite like this. Wizard is exciting, easy to learn and fun for the entire family. This award-winning game is great for parties or a night of family fun.
Instructions in French and English. Blister Pack.
You've played other trump games, but none quite like this. Wizard is exciting, easy to learn and fun for the entire family. This award-winning game is...
For decades African-American soldiers in the rank and file of the U.S. Military remained unsung heroes on the western frontier. The black regiments, which came into being in 1866, earned the respect of fellow servicemen and opponents. This beautifully illustrated deck of 54 cards pays homage to those leaders whose contributions helped change the face of America.
For decades African-American soldiers in the rank and file of the U.S. Military remained unsung heroes on the western frontier. The black regiments, w...