After a fourteen-year-old orphan named Aminah comes to possess a magic lamp, the wishes granted by the genie inside allow her to alter her life by choosing prosperity, purpose, and romance. But she can achieve happiness only by escaping the vengeful princess who once possessed the lamp.
After a fourteen-year-old orphan named Aminah comes to possess a magic lamp, the wishes granted by the genie inside allow her to alter her life by cho...
The lamp is gone Aminah can't believe her eyes when she opens her hidden closet to find the jinni's vessel missing. As much as she hates to suspect her dear friend Idris, he is the only one who knows how to access the magic lamp, and now he has run off. But somehow Jinni is left behind, trapped outside the lamp and devoid of his powers. He is traumatized by this event and finds himself changing from acting like Omar, the kindly uncle Aminah trained him to be, and Gindar, the greedy gambler he was back in his human days. When Aminah and Jinni set off after Idris, Aminah wonders which one of...
The lamp is gone Aminah can't believe her eyes when she opens her hidden closet to find the jinni's vessel missing. As much as she hates to suspect h...