Bonnie Poitras Tucker Fred Hafferty Frederic Hafferty
A memoir of the author's experience as a profoundly deaf infant who became an expert lipreader, and who never learned sign language or met another deaf person until her mid-thirties. It follows her story as she made it through college, to become a corporate litigator.
A memoir of the author's experience as a profoundly deaf infant who became an expert lipreader, and who never learned sign language or met another dea...
The technology of cochlear implants continues to change the lives of children and adults with severe or profound hearing loss. This book explains the manner in which cochlear implants work, for whom they work, and the extent to which they help deaf people hear. It explains the basic concept, history, and evolution of cochlear implants.
The technology of cochlear implants continues to change the lives of children and adults with severe or profound hearing loss. This book explains the ...