An excellent introductory that uses simple numerical illustrations to provide an intuitive understanding of concepts and confirm major results. Describes various methods for sample selection and estimation including unequal probability sampling and the prediction approach. The accompanying disk contains data files for cases and two computer programs--one of which is an interactive DOS program designed to serve as a tutorial by assisting the implementation of complicated sampling formulas.
An excellent introductory that uses simple numerical illustrations to provide an intuitive understanding of concepts and confirm major results. Descri...
Astranger in academia cannot but be impressed by the apparent uniformity and precision of the methodology currently applied to the measurement of economic relationships. In scores of journal articles and other studies, a theoretical argument is typically presented to justify the position that a certain variable is related to certain other, possibly causal, variables. Regression or a related method is applied to a set of observations on these variables, and the conclusion often emerges that the causa, l variables are indeed "significant" at a certain "level," thereby lending support to the...
Astranger in academia cannot but be impressed by the apparent uniformity and precision of the methodology currently applied to the measurement of econ...
Astranger in academia cannot but be impressed by the apparent uniformity and precision of the methodology currently applied to the measurement of economic relationships. In scores of journal articles and other studies, a theoretical argument is typically presented to justify the position that a certain variable is related to certain other, possibly causal, variables. Regression or a related method is applied to a set of observations on these variables, and the conclusion often emerges that the causa, l variables are indeed "significant" at a certain "level," thereby lending support to the...
Astranger in academia cannot but be impressed by the apparent uniformity and precision of the methodology currently applied to the measurement of econ...